Contact info: Mikhail Smirnov 201-981-2497, Russian-Gypsy Song Dance and Music Show, Цыганский хор Ляли Пшеничной, Цыганское шоу

Цыганский дуэт, Бруклин, Нью-Йорк - Russian Gypsy Duo Brooklyn, New York

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В пятницу 19-ого июля Ляля Пшеничная с аккомпаниатором приехала поздравить Алекса с 80-ти летием в ресторан Баку-Палас в Бруклине. Программа поздравления заняла примерно полчаса. Friday, July 19th, 2024, 9:00pm - 9:30pm. Brooklyn Gypsy Duo performed 30 min show during 80th birthday party at the Baku Palace, 2001 Emmons Avenue Brooklyn, NY, 11235.

Contact info: | (201) 981-2497 (Text/Cell)

Цыганский дуэт в ресторане Баку Палас в Бруклине штат Нью-Йорк, Цыганский хор Ляли Пшеничной "Ай Нэнэ", Brooklyn Gypsy Duo, New York Russian-Gypsy singers musicians, NY Gypsy Duo
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Contact info: | (201) 981-2497 (Text/Cell)



08-30-2024, Cafe St. Petersburg, Newton, Massachusetts

On Saturday, August 30th, 2024, five people performed during 80th birthday party at the Cafe St. Petersburg in Newton, Massachusetts. Exact address of the venue: 57 Union St, Ste 1, Newton, MA 02459, 45 min program included "Марджанджа", "Бричка", "Шатрица", "Дорогой длинною", "К нам приехал наш любимый", "Очи чёрные", "Счастье вдруг", "Чардаш", "Money", "Путь бегут неуклюже", "Мохнатый шмель", and "Two Guitars"

Цыганское шоу в Бостоне штат Массачусетс, ресторан русской кухни «Санкт-Петербург» в городе Ньютон, штат Массачусетс, Цыганский хор Ляли Пшеничной "Ай Нэнэ", суббота 30-ого августа 2024-ого года, 08-30-2024, Saturday August 30th 2024, Massachusetts Gypsy Show dancers singers musicians, Cafe St. Petersburg 57 Union St Newton MA 02459
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08-25-2024, Festival in Brooklyn, New York

On Sunday, August 25th, 2024, musicians Mikhail, Elina and dancer Alisa performed during Jubilee Radio Freedom FM 104.7 Brighton's Festival's stage in Brooklyn, New York. The program of the trio included several songs, dances, and instrumental numbers.

Цыганское трио в Бруклине штат Нью-Йорк, Цыганский хор Ляли Пшеничной "Ай Нэнэ", воскресенье 25-ого августа 2024-ого года, 08-25-2024, Sunday August 25th 2024, NYC Gypsy Trio singers musicians New York, Brighton Jubilee Festival Radio Freedom FM 104.7
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05-17-2024, Private party in Brooklyn - Вечеринка в цыганском стиле

17-ого мая 2024-ого года небольшая, но очень дружная компания, отмечала день рождения в уютном бруклинском доме недалеко от Ностранд Авеню. Артисты развлекали гостей с шести вечера примерно до десяти часов. Гости и хозяйка вечеринки не только слушали и смотрели выступление, но и сами с удовольствием принимали в нём участие.

Цыганское трио в Бруклине штат Нью-Йорк, Цыганский хор Ляли Пшеничной "Ай Нэнэ", Brooklyn Gypsy Trio, New York Rusian-Gypsy singers musicians, NY Gypsy Trio
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05-11-2024, Palmer House, Princeton, New Jersey

On Saturday, May 11th, 2024 musicians and dancers of the NJ Gypsy Trio performed during birthday party at the Princeton University's charming, 19th century guesthouse. Exact address of the venue: Palmer House, (, 1 Bayard Ln, Princeton, NJ 08540.

Цыганское трио в Принстоне штат Нью-Джерси, Цыганский хор Ляли Пшеничной "Ай Нэнэ", суббота 11-ого мая 2024-ого года, 05-11-2024, Saturday May 11th 2024, New Jersey Gypsy Trio singers musicians NJ, Palmer House 1 Bayard Ln Princeton NJ 08540
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03-19-2024, Restaurant King David, Queens, New York

March 19th, 2024. Birthday party celebration at the Restaurant King David in Queens, New York. Цыганский хор под управлением Ляли Пшеничной поздравил с днём рождения именинницу в ресторане Кинг Давид в Квинсе.

Цыганское шоу Ляли Пшеничной в ресторане Кинг Давид в Квинсе, штат Нью-Йорк, Цыганский хор Ляли Пшеничной "Ай Нэнэ", New York Gypsy Show singers musicians dancers, Restaurant King David 101-10 Queens Blvd Forest Hills NY 11375
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02-10-2024, New York City, Russian Vodka Room restaurant

On cold Saturday, February 10th, 2024 Gypsy duo performed at the Russian Vodka Room restaurant in New York City from 8pm to midnight. Program included popular Russian Gypsy songs including Long Road - video - (Дорогой длинною), and instrumental pieces.

Цыганское хор Ляли Пшеничной, ресторан Русская Рюмочная в Манхаттане, Цыганский дуэт Нью-Йорк Сити, Цыганский ансамбль Ляли Пшеничной "Ай Нэнэ", New York City Gypsy Show singers musicians dancers, Restaurant Russian Vodka Room NYC, 265 W 52nd St, New York, NY 10019
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11-05-2023, 3BR Distillery, Keyport, New Jersey

On Saturday, November 5th, 2022 musicians, singers and dancers performed for about two hours at the 3BR Distillery in Keyport, New Jersey. Program included Gypsy, Ukrainian, American, Moldavian, Tatar songs, music, and dances.

NJ Russian-Gypsy dance song and music show, Monmouth County, Keyport, New Jersey, 11-05-2023
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08-27-2023, Freedom FM 104.7 celebration, Rooftop in Brooklyn

Russian Radio Station Freedom FM 104.7 in New York City celebrated corporate birthday on the rooftop in Brooklyn. Musicians and dancers provided a program for this live-on-the-radio event.

Ensemble of Gypsy dance song and music, Brooklyn, New York, Ансамбль цыганской музыки, песни и танца из Бруклина, Russian Radio Freedom FM 104.7 celebration
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07-15-2023, The Black Sheep Irish Pub, New York City

On Sat, July 15, 2023 Mikhail and Elina played for three hours during Movement Towards A Peoples' Declaration on the rights of communities discriminated on work and descent (CDWD) event featuring SAGE SOLDAT, a poet for peace, activist, and singer from Niger, West Africa at the Black Sheep Irish Pub, 583 3rd Ave, New York, NY 10016. The program was sponsored by The Inclusivity Project (TIP) by United Nations.

Цыганский хор Ляли Пшеничной "Ай Нэнэ", Элина Карохина, Михаил Смирнов, суббота 15-ого июля 2023-ого года, 07-15-2023, Saturday July 15th 2023, Gypsy Duo singers musicians NYC, Elina Karokhina (domra), Mikhail Smirnov (guitar, vocals), New York City
more from Black Sheep Irish Pub


06-28-2023, Concert at Adult Care Center in Long Island

June 28, 2023, 11AM. 1 hour concert at Adult Care Center in Great Neck, Long Island. Выступление цыганского трио для пенсионеров в городе Грэйт-Нэк на Лонг-Айленде, штат Нью-Йорк.

Long Island New York Gypsy ensemble, Цыганский хор Ляли Пшеничной Грэйт-Нэк Лонг-Айленде Нью-Йорк, Russian Gypsy Roma singers musicians dancers
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06-11-2023, Concert in Up-State New York

On June 11th, 2023 from 4 to 6pm company performed 90 min show at the Arrow Park, 1061 Orange Turnpike, Monroe NY. Performers: Mikhail, Konstantin, Arsentii, Dmitriy, Alisa, Elina, Maija, Maria, Elina.

06-11-2023, New York Gypsy band and dancers, Arrow Park 1061 Orange Turnpike Monroe NY, Цыганский хор Ляли Пшеничной в апстейте штата Нью-Йорк, Russian Gypsy Roma singers musicians dancers, 11-ое июня 2023-его года, 06-11-2023
more from Arrow Park in Monroe


02-18-2023, Restaurant Chato De Capitan, Brooklyn

One hour show at the popular restaurant Chato De Capitan in Brooklyn on Saturday, February 18th, 2023.

02-18-2023, Цыганский ансамбль в ресторане Шато Де Капитан в Бруклине, Russian-Gypsy music and dance ensemble in Brooklyn, New York, Restaurant Chato De Capitan
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02-18-2023, Gypsy Doll, Baba Yaga, Kupidon at Gurman restaurant, Brooklyn

Dancing Gypsy Doll "Kukla Tsyganka", Baba Yaga and "Kupidon" (Alisa, Elina, and Mikhail) provided one hour entertainment during Russian singles event at the Gurman restaurant in Brooklyn, New York. One hour performance included Gypsy songs, dances, games, and trivia for all members of the audience.

02-18-2023, Gypsy Doll, Baba Yaga, Kupidon at Gurman restaurant, Brooklyn, New York, Restaurant Gurman Brooklyn 2402 Coney Island Ave Brooklyn NY 11223
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12-16-2022, Gypsy Style Surprise Birthday Party at Mari Vanna in New York City

Elina Karokhina and Mikhail Smirnov made a surprise appearance during Sergey's 50th birthday celebration party at the Mari Vanna restaurant in New York City on Friday, December 16, 2022.

12-16-2022, Russian-Gypsy Style Surprise Birthday Party, restaurant Mari Vanna New York City, Elina Karokhina (balalaika), Mikhail Smirnov (guitar, vocals, garmoshka)
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11-19-2022, Birthday party at the Chateau De Capitainе, Brooklyn

Dancer Maija Rutkovskaia, dancer Olga Chpitalnaia, singer Natasha Stolichnaia, musician Elina Karokhina (domra), musician Mikhail Smirnov (guitar, garmoshka, vocals) provided 45 min show during private party at the Chateau De Capitainе restaurant, 2570 Coney Island Ave, Brooklyn, New York.

11-19-2022, gypsy band and dancers, Brooklyn, New York, Chateau De Capitaine, 2570 Coney Island Ave Brooklyn NY 11223, dancer Maija Rutkovskaia, dancer Olga Chpitalnaia, singer Natasha Stolichnaia, musician Elina Karokhina (domra), musician Mikhail Smirnov (guitar, garmoshka, vocals), цыганский хор Ляли Пшеничной, Элина Карохина, Михаил Смирнов, Наташа Столичная, Майя Рутковская, Ольга Шпитальная, суббота 19-ое ноября 2022-ого года, Saturday November 19 2022, Russian Gypsy Roma singers musicians dancers
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10-22-2022, Birthday party at the Sixth Floor Loft in New York City

On Saturday, October 22nd, 2022, from 9:30 to 10pm Mikhail Smirnov, Elina Karokhina, Leonid Bruk, Natasha Stolichnaia, and Alisa Egorova performed 30 min show during 50th Anniversary celebration at the Sixth Floor Loft in New York City. Exact address of the venue: The Sixth Floor Loft, 873 Broadway, New York, New York 10003.

Цыганский хор "Ай Нэнэ"АЙ НЭ-НЭ"Ай Нэнэ" Ляли Пшеничной, Элина Карохина, Михаил Смирнов, Алиса Егорова, Ленид Брук, Наташа Столичная, суббота 22-ого октября 2022-ого года, 10-22-2022, Saturday October 22 2022, Russian Gypsy Roma singers musicians dancers Manhattan, Elina Karokhina (balalaika), Mikhail Smirnov (guitar, garmoshka, vocals), Sixth Floor Loft, NYC, New York, The Sixth Floor Loft 873 Broadway New York New York  10003
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10-08-2022, Slavic Heritage Festival in Joppa, Maryland

Dancer Arsentii Oskin, dancer Veronika Hunko, dancer Victoria Ivanova, dancer Hanna Khalikova, dancer Oleg Serban, musician Yaacov Mayman provided three 1 hour shows during Annual Slavic Heritage Festival at the St. Mary's Assumption Eastern Rite Church in Joppa, Maryland on Saturday, October 8th, 2022. Exact name and address of the venue: St. Mary's Assumption Eastern Rite Church, 2807 Mountain Road, Joppa, Maryland 21085.

10-08-2022, Maryland, Saturday October 8 2022, dancer Hanna Khalikova, dancer Veronika Hunko, dancer Arsentii Oskin, dancer Oleg Serban, Annual Slavic Heritage Festival, St. Mary's Assumption Church, Joppa, Maryland, St. Mary's Assumption Eastern Rite Church 2807 Mountain Road Joppa Maryland 21085
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09-25-2022, Birthday party in New York City - "К нам приехал наш любимый..."

Mikhail and Elina played for about an hour during surprice birthday party in New York City on Sunday, September 25th, 2022. Performance took place in an apartment building. About 20 adults and couple of kids attended (as well as two dogs). Артисты поздравили именинника, попели, поиграли, повеселили гостей, пофотографировались с теми, кто пожелал. Адрес 160 East 65 street Нью-Йорк Сити. Имениннику Валере исполнилось 60 лет. Выступление цыган было сюрпризом от жены Риты и гостьи Елены. Валера ничего не знал о предстоящем празднике. Гости его уже ждали дома. Супруге хотелось, чтобы всё было как в "Бесприданнице" - мужа бы встретили с бокалом шампанского на подносе и песней "К нам приехал наш любимый...". Так всё в точности и произошло.

Цыганский хор "Ай Нэнэ"АЙ НЭ-НЭ"Ай Нэнэ" Ляли Пшеничной, Элина Карохина, Михаил Смирнов, воскресенье 25-ого сентября 2022-ого года, 09-25-2022, Sunday September 25th 2022, Gypsy Duo Singers Musicians NYC, Elina Karokhina (balalaika), Mikhail Smirnov (guitar, garmoshka, vocals), New York City
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09-23-2022, 10th Anniversary Event at the Chateau De Capitaine in Brooklyn

On Friday, September 23, 2022 Alisa, Mikhail and Elina performed 45 min show during Circle Of Friends Adult Day Care Center's 10th Anniversary Celebration at the Chateau De Capitaine restaurant in Brooklyn, New York. Exact address of the venue: Chateau De Capitaine, 2570 Coney Island Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11223.

Цыганский хор "Ай Нэнэ"АЙ НЭ-НЭ"Ай Нэнэ" под управлением Ляли Пшеничной, Элина Карохина, Михаил Смирнов, Алиса Егорова, пятница 23-ого сентября 2022-ого года, 09-23-2022, Friday September 23 2022, Russian Gypsy Singers Musicians Brooklyn, Elina Karokhina, Mikhail Smirnov (guitar, garmoshka, vocals), Chateau De Capitaine, Brooklyn, New York, Chateau De Capitaine 2570 Coney Island Ave Brooklyn NY 11223
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08-22-2022, Historic Cold Spring Village, Cape May, New Jersey

On August 13th, 2022, Mikhail and Elina performed two 45 min shows at the Historic Cold Spring Village in Cape May, New Jersey. Musicians performed a program of Gypsy, Russian, American, Ukrainian songs, and classical music. Exact address of the venue: 720 Rt 9 South, Cape May, NJ 08204.

Цыганский хор "Ай Нэнэ"АЙ НЭ-НЭ"Ай Нэнэ" под управлением Ляли Пшеничной, Элина Карохина, Михаил Смирнов, Russian Gypsy Singers Musicians Cape May, Elina Karokhina, Mikhail Smirnov (guitar, garmoshka, vocals), Historic Cold Spring Village in Cape May, New Jersey
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08-13-2022, Burlington County Amphitheater in Westampton

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07-16-2022, Birthday party in Carbon County, Pennsylvania

Mikhail and Elina played for about an hour during birthday party in Carbon County, Pennsylvania on Saturday, July 16th, 2022. Performance took place at a brand new private house. About 25 adults and ten kids attended the event. Артисты поздравили именинницу, попели, поиграли, повеселили гостей, пофотографировались с виновницей торжества и её родителями.

Цыганский хор "Ай Нэнэ"АЙ НЭ-НЭ"Ай Нэнэ" Ляли Пшеничной, Элина Карохина, Михаил Смирнов, суббота 16-ого июня 2022-ого года, 06-16-2022, Saturday June 16th 2022, Gypsy Singers Musicians Pocono, Elina Karokhina (balalaika), Mikhail Smirnov (guitar, garmoshka, vocals), Palmerton, PA Pennsylvania
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07-14-2022, Public performance in Oak Park, Illinois

Musicians Nina Tritenichenko, Mikhail Smirnov and Elina Karokhina performed from 5pm to 9pm in downtown Oak Park, Illinois during Thursday Night Out - downtown Oak Park’s popular dine-around summer series that run every Thursday between June 2nd to August 25th from 5 to 9pm. Downtown Oak Park restaurants offer a variety of drinks, appetizers, entrees and desserts on the Thursday Night Out menu and allow diners to eat inside or carry out. Tables are also set up outside for patrons to enjoy dining al fresco.

Цыганское шоу в Чикаго, Элина Карохина, Михаил Смирнов, Нина Тритениченко, четверг, 14-ое июля 2022-ого года, 07-14-2022, Thursday July 14 2022, Gypsy Band Chicago, Elina Karokhina (balalaika), Nina Tritenichenko (bayan-accordion), Mikhail Smirnov (guitar, vocals), Oak Park, Illinois, Downtown Oak Park, Thursday Night Out
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07-10-2022. Private party in New Jersey

Gypsy Trio performed during surprise party in Central New Jersey (Monmouth County). The program included appearance of dancing bear, and Gypsy Furtune Teller costumed character.

Цыганское трио в Нью-Джерси, NJ Gypsy Trio, Monmouth County, New Jersey
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06-12-2022, Birthday party at Ponte Vecchio restaurant, Bay Ridge, Brooklyn

Dancer Alisa Egorova, singer and musician Mikhail Smirnov, musician Elina Karokhina and bizzare Gypsy Fortune Teller Costumer Character entertained guests during Russian birthday party at the Ponte Vecchio on Sunday, June 12th, 2022. Performance took place at the backyard of popular Italian restaurant in Bay Ridge area of Brooklyn, New York. About 25 guests attended the event. Артисты цыганского хора «АЙ НЭ-НЭ» Ляли Пшеничной поздравили именинника, попели любимые цыганские песни, поиграли цыганскую венгерку, повеселили гостей и пофотографировались с виновником торжества.

Цыганский хор "Ай Нэнэ"АЙ НЭ-НЭ"Ай Нэнэ" Ляли Пшеничной, Элина Карохина, Михаил Смирнов, Алиса Егорова, воскресенье 12-ого июня 2022-ого года, 06-12-2022, Sunday, June 12, 2022, Gypsy Musicians and Dsancers NYC, Elina Karokhina (balalaika), Mikhail Smirnov (guitar, garmoshka, vocals), Alisa Egorova, Ponte Vecchio, 8810 4th Ave, Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, New York
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06-11-2022, Birthday party in Morganville, New Jersey

Dancer Maija, singer Natasha, musicians Mikhail and Elina provided show during Birthday party in Morganville, New Jersey on Saturday, June 11th, 2022. Performance took place at the backyard of large private house. About 50 guests attended the event. Цыганский хор «АЙ НЭ-НЭ» Ляли Пшеничной из Бруклина в этот вечер был словно ЯРКИЙ ФЕЙЕРВЕРК! Артисты буквально взорвали вечеринку своим неожиданным появлением. Они подняли всем настроение на первой секунде, а цыганские песни и танцы зарядили задором так, что гостям было невозможно удержаться, и они бросились в пляс. Праздник получился незабываемо-ярким. Даже главная (но не единственная) именинница, которой, кстати, в тот день исполнилось 93 года, поднялась, чтобы потанцевать с родственниками и гостями.

Цыганское шоу в Нью-Джерси, Элина Карохина, Михаил Смирнов, Наташа Столичная, Майя Рутковская, суббота, 12-ое июня 2022-ого года, 06-12-2022, Saturday, June 12, 2022, Gypsy Band and Dancers NYC, Elina Karokhina (balalaika), Maija Rutkovskaya, Mikhail Smirnov (guitar, garmoshka, vocals), Natasha Stolichnaiya, Morganville, New Jersey
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06-05-2022, 50th Wedding Anniversary in Alexandria, Virginia

Musicians, dancers and singers provided music and entertainment for six hours long 50th Wedding Anniversary event at one of the most desired, spacious, intimate, and unforgettable Potomac-Front wedding event venue in the National Capital Area. Cast of performers included Elina Karokhina (balalaika), Alisa Egorova (dancer), Elena Belova (singer), Leonid Bruk (contrabass balalaika), Yuriy Lemeshev (accordion), Mikhail Smirnov (guitar, vocals). 25 acres of gardens and woods overlooking the Potomac River. The party took place on Sunday, June 5th, 2022. Exact address of the venue: River Farm, 7931 E Boulevard Dr Alexandria Virginia 22308.

Цыганское шоу в Вирджинии, Элина Карохина, Михаил Смирнов, ИЕлена Белова, Леонид Брук, Юрий Лемешев, 50th Wedding Anniversary, воскресенье 5-ое июня 2022-ого года, 05-05-2022, Цыганский хор Ляли Пшеничной, Sunday June 5 2022, Gypsy Band and Dancers, Elina Karokhina (balalaika), Mikhail Smirnov (guitar, garmoshka, vocals), Elena Belova (singer), Leonid Bruk (contrabass balalaika), Yuriy Lemeshev (accordion), Mikhail Smirnov (guitar, vocals), Russian Gypsy dancer Alisa, River Farm, 7931 E Boulevard Dr Alexandria Virginia  22308
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03-05-2022, Birthday Party at the Baku Palace in Brooklyn, NY

Артисты цыганского хора под руководством певицы Ирины "шумною толпою" поздравили с юбилеем Милу в бруклинском ресторане "БАКУ ПАЛАС". Музыкальное и танцевальное поздравление длилось примерно 45 минут. Гости, а также именниница с супругом с большим удовольствием приняли участие в танцах и веселье. New York Gypsy Band and Dancers led by popular Gypsy singer and performer Irina performed during Mila's 65th birthday party at the restaurant Baku Palace in Brooklyn, New York on Saturday, March 5th, 2022. Cast of performers: Irina Fogelson (singer, dancer), dancer Yelena, violinist virtuoso Gennady, balalaika player Elina Karokhina, Mikhail Smirnov (guitar, vocals, garmoshka). Company presented most popular Russian Gypsy songs, dances, and music.

Цыганское шоу в Бруклине, Элина Карохина, Михаил Смирнов, Ирина Фогельсон, Геннадий Дроб, ресторан Баку Палас, суббота, 5-ое марта 2022-ого года, 03-05-2022, Saturday, March 5, 2022, Gypsy Band and Dancers NYC, Moscow Gypsy Army, Elina Karokhina (balalaika), Irina Fogelson, Mikhail Smirnov (guitar, garmoshka, vocals), Russian Gypsy dancer, Baku Palace in Brooklyn, New York, 2001 Emmons Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11235
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03-03-2022, Club at Mediterra, Naples, Florida

Thursday, March 3, 2022. Show in Naples, Florida at the Club at Mediterra, 15755, Corso Mediterra Circle, Naples, Florida 34110. 90 min program with dancers, singers, and musicians. Выступление в Нейплс, престижном гольф клубе волшебного рая для миллионеров в округе Кольер, штат Флорида, который носит итальянское название. Публика на концерте была соответствующая.

Цыганское шоу в Нейплс, штат Флорида, Russian-Gypsy show in Naples, Florida, Цыганский хор Ляли Пшеничной "Ай Нэнэ", Naples Gypsy Show, Florida Rusian-Gypsy singers musicians, dancers
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12-12-2021, Live at the Loft Hot Potato House, Brooklyn, New York

Live music at the Loft Hot Potato House in Brooklyn, New York. To find out who is playing, and the schedule of music please contact Restaurant Hot Potato House directly at 718-975-7990. Hot Potato House in Brooklyn is listed among Top 10 Russian Restaurants in New York City and suburbs. Exact address: 109 Oriental Blvd, Brooklyn, NY 11235.

Цыганский хор Ляля Пшеничной, Live at the Loft Hot Potato House,, 109 Oriental Blvd Brooklyn NY 11235, 718-975-7990
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09-19-2021, St. Vladimir Orthodox Church, Dexter, Michigan

On Saturday, September 19th, 2021 dancers performed during Annual Ann Arbor Russian Festival-2021 on the grouds of the St. Vladimir Orthodox Church, 9900 Jackson Road, Dexter, Michigan 48130.

Цыганское шоу в Мичигане, St. Vladimir Orthodox Church 9900 Jackson Road Dexter Michigan  48130, суббота 19-ого сентября 2021-ого года, 09-19-2021, Saturday September 19th 2021, Michigan Gypsy dancers
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07-14-2021, Minton's Playhouse in Harlem

Performance on July 14th, 2021 at the Minton's Playhouse. Exact address: 206 West 118th Street, Harlem, NY 10026. Established in 1938 Minton's Playhouse is a world famous live music venue, and a popular Jazz Lounge Club and bar located on the first floor of historical Cecil Hotel in Harlem, New York City.

Цыганское шоу в Гарлеме, Minton's Playhouse in Harlem, Photo credit: Hideki Aono Photography
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07-09-2021, Restaurant Lanjeron, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

On Friday, July 9th, 2021 musicians, singers, and dancers of the company performed one hour show during birthday party at the restaurant Lanjeron in Philadelphia. Exact address of the venue: Ресторан Ланжерон, 13032 Bustlenton Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19116.

Цыганское шоу в Филадельфии, ресторан Ланжерон, Пенсильвания, пятница 9-ого июля 2021-ого года, 07-09-2021, Friday July 9th 2021, PA Gypsy Band dancers Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Restaurant Lanjeron 13032 Bustlenton Avenue, Philadelphia, PA  19116
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06-05-2021, Gypsy Night at the Anyway Cafe in New York City

Russian Gypsy singer Natasha Stolichnaya and musicians performed for 3 hours at the Anyway Cafe in New York City on Saturday, June 5th, 2021 (8 to 11pm). Cast of performers: Natasha Stolichnaya, Frida Anuarbek (keyboard, vocals), Elina Karokhina (balalaika virtuoso), Mikhail Smirnov (guitar, vocals, garmoshka). Repertoire: Russian Gypsy songs and music, popular Russian songs, classical music, international hit songs.

Цыганское шоу в Нью-Йорк Сити, Элина Карохина, Михаил Смирнов, Фрида Ануарбек, Наташа Столичная, Ист-Вилладж, Манхэттен, суббота, 5-ого июня 2021-ого года, 06-05-2021, Saturday, June 5, 2021, Gypsy Band NYC, Moscow Gypsy Army, Elina Karokhina (balalaika), Frida Anuarbek (keyboard, vocals), Mikhail Smirnov (guitar, garmoshka, vocals), Russian Gypsy singer Natasha Stolichnaya, Anyway Cafe NYC, New York City, 34 E 2nd St, New York, New York
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10-31-2020, Gypsy Halloween in New York City

Singer Irina, dancer Alisa, musicians Elina and Mikhail were a big hit during Gypsy Halloween 2020 New York City private event in Chelsey neighborhood of Manhattan on October 31st, 2020. The prorgram included songs, dances, and music. Цыганская вечеринка в стиле Хэллоуин в Челси, колоритном районе на северо-западе нижнего Манхэттена, прошла на редкость удачно и весело. Нарядные гости не только подпевали любимым цыганским песням и мелодиям, но даже и танцевали (в том числи и на столе).

Цыганское шоу в Нью-Йорк Сити, Элина Карохина, Михаил Смирнов, Ирина Загорнова, Алиса Егорова, Цыганская вечеринка в стиле Хэллоуин, Челси, северо-запад нижнего Манхэттена, суббота, 31-ого октября 2020-ого года, Irina Zagornova, Elina Karokhina, Mikhail Smirnov, Alisa Egorova, Saturday, October 31st, 2020, Gypsy Halloween 2020 New York City, New York City Gypsy Show
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09-12-2020, Birthday party in Brooklyn, New York

Two musicians (Elina Karokhina, Mikhail Smirnov) and dancer Alisa Egorova performed during birthday party in Brooklyn, New York on September 12th, 2020. The presentation included songs, dances, and music (Shatritsa, Tsyganskaia Velichal'naia, Vykradu, Mokhnatyi Shmel', Kak Tsvetok Dushistyi, Dark Eyes, Two Guitars, and other selections).

Цыганское шоу Бруклин, Elina Karokhina, Mikhail Smirnov, Алиса Егорова, Saturday, September 12th 2020
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08-22-2020. Public concert at the Untermyer Park in Yonkers, New York

First public performance after the beginning of the pandemic of COVID-19 took place on Saturday, August 22nd, 2020 at the Untermyer Park in Yonkers, New York (945 N Broadway, Yonkers, NY 10701). Cast of performers included Mikhail Smirnov (artistic director, founder, garmoshka, guitar, vocals), Elina Karokhina (balalaika virtuoso), Leonid Bruk (balalaika contrabass), Konstantin Tulinov (dancer), Vladimir Nikitin (dancer), Valentina Kvasova (dancer, vocals), Russian-Gypsy singer Natasha Stolichnaya, Frida Anuarbek (keyboard, vocals), Maryia Zhukovich (dancer), Katsiaryna Mileuskaya, and Veronika Hunko.

Ensemble Barynya, artistic director Mikhail Smirnov, суббота, 22-ое августа 2020 года, парк Унтермаер, Антермайер Парк энд Гарденс, город Янкерс, штат Нью-Йорк, Saturday, August 22nd, 2020, Untermyer Park and Gardens, Yonkers, New York, Mikhail Smirnov, Elina Karokhina, Leonid Bruk, Vladimir Nikitin, Elena Notkina, Veronika Hunko, Maryia Zhukovich, Natasha Stolichnaya, Valentina Kvasova, Konstantin Tulinov, Frida Anuarbek
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Gypsy Tambourine - Там бубна звон

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Gypsy Love - Любовь цыганки

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03-15-2020, 60th Birthday party at the Encore Restaurant in Brooklyn, New York

On March 15th, 2020 around 7pm dancers, singers, and musicians provided one hour show during private 60th Birthday party in Bay Ridge neighborhood of Brooklyn. Exact address of the venue: Restaurant Encore, 10007 4th Avenue, Brooklyn, New York 11209. The party took place just a few days before the Covid-19 lockdown. It was one of the last parties before all crazy events occured. All guests and waiters were talking about upcoming lockdown, lack of masks, and related issues. Musicians and dancers did their best to take everybody's thoughts off the scary subjests. Performance was about 45 min long.

03-15-2020, March 15th, 2020, Brooklyn, New York City, New York based Russian Gypsy ensemble Moscow Gypsy Army, Restaurant Encore, 10007 4th Avenue, Brooklyn, New York  11209, Elina Karokhina, Mikhail Smirnov, Alisa Egorova, photo credit Nikolai Komissarov
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02-08-2020, Anyway Cafe, New York City, Gypsy songs and music event

On Saturday, February 8th, 2020 Cafe Anyway in New York City hosted an event called "Manhattan Gypsy Nights". From 8pm to 12 midnight Vasily Yankovic, Elina Karokhina and Mikhail Smirnov performed an array of Gypsy Roma songs and music in colorfull East Village neighborhood of Manhatten. Exact address of the venue: Anyway Cafe NYC, 34 E 2nd St, New York, NY 10003.

New York City, NYC Gypsy Trio, Anyway Cafe, Vasily Yankovic, Elina Karokhina and Mikhail Smirnov
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08-24-2019, 60th birthday party, Chinar Restaurant, Staten Island, New York

One hour show during Russian 60th birthday party on Saturday, August 24th, 2019, 8pm at the "Chinar On The Island" Restaurant. Cast of performers included singer and seven string guitar player Vasiliy, singer and 6 string guitar player Mikhail, singer/dancer Valentina. Program of the performance included "Kai One", "2 guitars" ("Две гитары"), "Shatritsa", "Joseph-Joseph", "Vengerka", "Mato", "Mardjandja", "Dark Eyes" ("Очи чёрные"), "Long Road" ("Дорогой длинною"), "За дружеской беседою", "Эй, ямщик, гони-ка к Яру", "Мохнатый шмель", "Цыганская фантазия" (инструментальный номер), "Не будите", "Нанэ Цоха", "Чардаш" (инструментальный номер), "Бирюзовые златы колечки", "Как цветок душистый" (цыганская величальная), "Только раз" (романс), "Пропил Мишка", "Что мне горе", "Gypsy Medley" (Попурри), "Сердце на снегу", "Мы на лодочке катались", and other Gypsy Roma (Romani), songs, music, and dances. The company also presented several Russian, Ukrainian, and Moldovian songs, as well as some classical music, and internationally known hits.

Staten Island Gypsy Trio, 60th Birthday party, Russian Gypsy dancers, musicians, singers, Chinar On The Island Restaurant, Staten Island New York
more from Chinar On The Island


04-28-2019, Staten Island, New York

Sunday, April 28th, 2019. Chinar On the Island, 283 Sand Lane, Staten Island, NY 10305. Russian Gypsy Trio at Yevgeniy's birthday party. Русское цыганское трио и ростовая кукла "Цыганка" в русском ресторане "Чинара" на Статен-Айленде, штат Нью-Йорк 28-ого апреля 2019-ого года. Любимые цыганские песни и танцы в исполнении музыкантов-виртуозов, певцов и танцоров ансамбля на дне рождения у Евгения.

Staten Island Gypsy Trio, Costumed Character Gypsy Doll, 04-28-2019, Sunday April 28th 2019, Chinar On The Island, Staten Island, NY, Russian Birthday party, Russian Gypsy dancers, musicians, singers, Chinar On The Island Russian Restaurant, New York
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03-10-2019, Brunswick Community College, Bolivia, North Carolina

Sunday, March 10, 2019. Dancers and musicians participated in Parade of Nations at noon, and performed one hour show for the students at 5pm during 14th Annual Brunswick County Intercultural Festival, at BCC's Odell Williamson Auditorium. Exact address of the venue: Brunswick Community College, 150 College Rd NE, Bolivia, NC 28422. Company performed Gypsy, Ukrainian, Russian, Cossack, and Jewish dances and songs. Cast: Mikhail Smirnov, Serhiy Tsyganok, Nadia Lemega.

03-10-2019, Sunday March 10th 2019, Gypsy dancers, musicians, singers, Odell Williamson Auditorium, Brunswick Community College, Bolivia, North Carolina, 150 College Rd NE Bolivia NC 28422
more from Bolivia, North Carolina


11-11-2018, Gypsy Band, Russian Restaurant Mari Vanna, NYC

Russian Gypsy Band was playing for several hours during Birthday Party at Russian restaurant Mari Vanna NYC, 41 E 20th St, New York, NY 10003. Медведь, скрипка, балалайка, балалайка-контрабас, баян, гармошка, цыгане. Cast: Leonid Bruk (balalaika contrabass), Elina Karokhina (balalaika), Mikhail Smirnov (guitar, garmoshka, vocals), dancer Alisa Egorova, Andrei Solodenko (accordion), Sasha Tseyitlin (violin). Show included arrival of huge costume character mascot - Russian Bear - to dance and take photos with guests. Musicians played a mix of up-beat Russian and Gypsy songs. На дне рождения также выступал солист популярной группы «Иванушки International» Андрей Григорьев-Аполлонов.

11-11-2018, Sunday, November 11, 2018, Gypsy Band NYC, Moscow Gypsy Army, Leonid Bruk (balalaika contrabass), Elina Karokhina (balalaika), Mikhail Smirnov (guitar, garmoshka, vocals), dancer Alisa Egorova, Andrei Solodenko (accordion), Sasha Tseyitlin (violin), Mari Vanna, New York City, 41 E 20th St, New York, NY 10003
more from Mari Vanna NYC


11-03-2018, Birthday party at Melody Restaurant in Philadelphia, PA

Birthday party on Saturday, November 3rd, 2018 at the Restaurant Melody in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Exact address of the venue: Melody Caterer and Restaurant, 11723 Bustleton Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19116. Cast: Misha, Lina, Serhiy, Victoria.

Gypsy show, Russian birthday party, Melody Restaurant, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
more from Melody in Philadelphia


10-27-2018, Gypsy Show in Pennsylvania (Русский ресторан "Мелодия")

October 27th, 2018, 9pm. Russian Gypsy Trio in Pennsylvania. Gypsy themed Russian Birthday party for Yuliya Borisovna (Юлия Борисовна). Program: "Шатрица", "За дружеской беседою", "Две гитары", "Дорогой длинною", "Мохнатый Шмель", "Цыганская фантазия - Gypsy Medley", "Очи Черные" and dance show of the Gypsy Doll (Кукла цыганка). Restaurant Melody, 11723 Bustleton Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19116. Cast: Misha, Lina, Alisa.

October 27th, 2018, Russian Gypsy Trio Pennsylvania, Gypsy show, Gypsy themed Russian birthday party, Melody Restaurant, Philadelphia, PA
more from ресторан "Мелодия"


08-18-2018, Private party near Hunter Mountain (Elka Park, NY) in Upstate New York

The company performed in Up-state New York in a big private house near Hunter Mountain (Elka Park, NY). Guests were mostly American, French and Russian. The trio presented of program of Russian Gypsy, Cossack, Ukrainian and Tatar traditional music, songs and dances performed live on acoustic guitar, garmoshka, and balalaika. Tsyganka The Gypsy Doll has made a surprice appearence. Party was taking place on a beautiful evening of Saturday, August 18, 2018. Show started around 6PM. Cast: Misha, Lina, Alisa, and {Gypsy Doll}.

Saturday, August 18, 2018, Russian Gypsy Trio Upstate New York, Gypsy themed party, Elka Park, NY
more photos from Elka Park, NY


07-07-2018, Great Neck, Long Island, New York

Four musicians and singers of "Moscow Gypsy Army" - {Irina Zagornova (singer), Elina Karokhina (balalaika), MIkhail Smirnov (guitar, vocals), Leonid Bruk-(bass)} - provided music and fun for Gypsy Themed event at the Village of Great Neck Estates (Long Island, New York) on Saturday July 7th, 2018 from 5 to 9pm. Репертуар цыганский, русский, попурярные советские песни, музыка из русских фильмов.

Saturday, July 7th, 2018, Russian Gypsy Musisians, Long Island, New York, Gypsy Themed Party, Great Neck, NY, Irina Zagornova, Elina Karokhina, MIkhail Smirnov, Leonid Bruk
more from Long Island


03-05-2018, School assembly performance at Sandwich Central Elementary School, New Hampshire

Russian-Gypsy singer, seven-string Russian guitar player Vasily Romani, singer, garmoshka and guitar player Mikhail Smirnov, and Ukrainian Cossack dancer Serhiy Tsyganok performed 45 min concert on Monday, March 5th, 2018 at the Sandwich Central Elementary School in New Hampshire. Exact address of the school: 28 Squam Lake Road, Center Sandwich, NH 03227. Program of performance included Russian folk song with garmoshka Subboteya, Russian folk dance Barynya, Russian song Katyusha, Cossack dance, solo on Russian seven string guitar by Vasily "VENGERKA" (ВЕНГЕРКА), Jewish BOTTLE DANCE, dance of Russian Bear (ТАНЕЦ МЕДВЕДЬ), Russian song "My darling" (ЖИВЁТ MОЯ ОТРАДА), Ukrainian folk song and dance PIDMANULA, Russian Tongue-Twister (СКОРОГОВОРКА), RUSSIAN ALPHABET LESSON, Russian folk song "KOROBUSHKA" with the percussian ORCHESTRA consisted of students, Russian folk DANCE LESSON, Russian folk dance KALINKA.

Mikhail Smirnov, Serhiy Tsyganok, Vasiliy Romani, Center Sandwich, NH, Sandwich Central Elementary School, New Hampshire
more from Center Sandwich, NH


10-07-2017, Heritage Festival at the St Mary's Assumption Eastern Rite Church in Joppa, Maryland

On Saturday, October 7th, 2017 from 12pm to 7pm musicians and dancers of the group performed during Heritage Festival organized by St. Mary's Assumption Eastern Rite Church (2807 Mountain Road, in Joppa, MD 21085). Program of performances included "Mardzhandzja", Russian Romani Roma Gypsy song and dance ("Цыганский") Kai Yone, Hungarian Gypsy dance Chardash ("Чардаш"), Russian Gypsy favorites "Long Road" - Those Were The Days ("Дорогой длинной"), Dark Eyes (Очи чёрные), Fluffy Bumblebee (Мохнатый шмель), and other selections.

Maryland, Slavic Heritage Festival, St Mary's Assumption Eastern Rite Church, Joppa, MD, U.S. Army photo by Sgt. Kalie Jones
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09-04-2017, Lakeside Adult Care Center in Brooklyn

On Monday, September 4th, 2017, two shows: 11am and 4pm. One hour concert dedicated to Labor Day Celebration at the Lakeside Adult Health Care Center, 945 East 108th Street, Brooklyn, New York 11236. Musicians Mikhail, Elina, and Leonid presented a program of Gypsy, Jewish, Russian, traditional music and songs, and a few classical pieces.

Gypsy Trio Brooklyn New York Lakeside Adult Care Center
more from Lakeside Adult Care show


02-04-2017, Montgomery College, Silver Spring, Maryland

On February 4th, 2017 Gypsy trio performed during Kids Euro Festival at the Takoma Park/Silver Spring Montgomery College Cultural Arts Center, 7995 Georgia Ave., Silver Spring, MD 20910. Program included Gypsy Roma, Russian, Cossack, Moldavian, Ukrainian, and Jewish songs and dances.

Цыганское трио в Силвер Спринг штат Мэрилэнд, Силвер-Спринг округ Монтгомери Мэриленд Соединённые Штаты Америки, Цыганский хор Ляли Пшеничной "Ай Нэнэ", 4-ое февраля 2017-ого года, 02-04-2017, February 4th 2017, Montgomery College Silver Spring Maryland, Gypsy trio dancers singers musicians, Montgomery College Cultural Arts Center, Kids Euro Festival, Takoma Park/Silver Spring
more Silver Spring, Maryland


01-17-2017, Birthday party at the Cafe Gallery, Brooklyn, NY

Musicians, singers, and dancers provided one hour Gypsy show during surprice birthday party on Saturday, January 7th, 2017 from 7 to 8pm at the Cafe Gallery, 2801 Coney Island Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11235 (Coney Island, Brooklyn, New York).  The program of performance included following songs and dances: "Шатрица", "За дружеской беседою", "Эй, ямщик, гони-ка к Яру", "Мохнатый шмель", "Цыганская фантазия" (инструментальный номер), "Не будите", "Нанэ Цоха", "Две гитары", "Чардаш" (инструментальный номер), "Бирюзовые златы колечки", "Как цветок душистый" (цыганская величальная), "Только раз" (романс), "Пропил Мишка", "Что мне горе", "Gypsy Medley" (Попурри), "Сердце на снегу", "Мы на лодочке катались", "Очи чёрные" и "Дорогой длинною".

01-17-2017, Cafe Gallery, Brooklyn, New York
Moscow Gypsy Army, Irina Zagornova, Mikhail Smirnov, Elina Karokhina, Alisa Egorova, 01-17-2017, Cafe Gallery, Brooklyn, New York, surprice birthday party, Saturday, January 7th, 2017
more from Cafe Gallery, Brooklyn


11-14-2016, Plaza Hotel NYC, Opening Night Party of "Natasha, Pierre, and The Great Comet of 1812"

Monday, November 14th, 2016, 9:30pm-1:30am. Six piece Russian Gypsy Band at the Plaza Hotel NYC performance during the Opening Night Party of "Natasha, Pierre, and The Great Comet of 1812" starring Josh Groban. Cast: Leonid Bruk, Elina Karokhina, Mikhail Smirnov, Sergey Pobedinski, Val Zhmud, Andrei Solodenko.

11-14-2016, Monday November 14th 2016, The best Russian Gypsy Band NYC, "Moscow Gypsy Army", Leonid Bruk, Elina Karokhina, Mikhail Smirnov, Sergey Pobedinski, Val Zhmud, Andrei Solodenko, Opening Night Party of "Natasha, Pierre, and The Great Comet of 1812", New York City
more from Plaza Hotel NYC


09-29-2016, Performance at the Carnegie Hall in New York City

Moscow Gypsy Army led by singer Vasily Yankovich-Romani at the Carnegie Hall in New York City on Thursday, September 29th, 2016 at 8PM. OPENING NIGHT featuring FRANK LONDON, BAD BUKA, MOSCOW GYPSY ARMY, KALIN IVANOV, ELLINA GRAYPEL, ANNA VOEVODA, GREECE ELENIKA, ALESSANDRA BELLONI, MAGGES. Conducted by ALEKSANDR ANISIMOV.

Moscow Gypsy Army on the stage of the Carnegie Hall in New York City
Moscow Gypsy Army, Mikhail Smirnov, Vasily Yankovich-Romani, Elina Karokhina, Carnegie Hall, New York City
more from Carnegie Hall NYC


09-24-2016, Heritage Day Festival at the North Brunswick Community Park

"Moscow Gypsy Army" presented a program of traditional Gypsy (Romani), Ukrainian, and Russian songs, instrumental numbers and dances on Saturday, September 24, 2016 during Heritage Day Festival at the North Brunswick Community Park in North Brunswick, New Jersey.  Exact address: T2053 U.S. 130, North Brunswick, NJ 08902.  Cast of performers: Vassiliy Yancovic-Romani, Alisa Egorova, Mikhail Smirnov, Elina Karokhina. Program of performance included "Dark Eyes", "Kalinka", "Mato", "Pidmanoola", "Two Guitars", "Shatritsa", "Chardash", "Мохнатый шмель", "Mardjandja", "Long Road" ("Дорогой длинною"), "Kai Yone", "Jelem" and other selections.  Some of the guests participated in singing and dancing.

North Brunswick Community Park, Heritage Day Festival, Moscow Gypsy Army, Vassiliy Yancovic-Romani, Mikhail Smirnov, Elina Karokhina
more from North Brunswick, NJ


09-13-2016, Public concert at the Temple Bnai Jeshrun, Short Hills

Tsyganksi Russian Gypsy Roma ensemble "Moscow Gypsy Army" led by famous ethnic Gypsy singer, 7-string guitar player and musician Vassiliy Yancovic-Romani presented a program of traditional Gypsy (Romani) songs, instrumental numbers and dances on Tuesday, September 13th, 2016 at the more from Short Hills, NJ. Exact address: Temple Bnai Jeshrun, 1025 S Orange Ave, Short Hills, NJ 07078, website address:

watch this video

06-04-2016, Fort Harrison Hotel, Clearwater, Florida

"Moscow Gypsy Army" presented a program of Russian, Cabaret, and traditional Gypsy (Romani) songs, instrumental numbers and dances in Clearwater, Florida.  Performance took place on Saturday, June 4th, 2016 from 7:30-9pm at the World Headquarters of the Church of Scientology in Fort Harrison Hotel, 210 S Ft Harrison Ave, Clearwater, FL 33756.  Cast of performers: Elina Karokhina, Mikhail Smirnov, Alexander Rudoy, Anna Brovkina, and with music and dance band lead by Daryal Kafkasso Erdem.  Program of performance included "Dark Eyes", "Two Guitars", "Shatritsa", "Chardash", "Мохнатый шмель", "Mardjandja", "Long Road" ("Дорогой длинною").

Moscow Gypsy Army, Alexander Rudoy, Elina Karokhina, Mikhail Smirnov, Anna Brovkina, Daryal Kafkasso's group, Clearwater, Florida
more from Clearwater, Florida


05-22-2016, Graduation party, Great Neck, Long Island, New York

Vasiliy Yankovic-Romani led the group to present traditional Gypsy (Romani) songs, instrumental numbers and dances in Great Neck, Long Island (New York) on Sunday, May 22nd, 2016, from 3 to 7pm during graduation party.  Program of performance included "Hey, Romale", "Dark Eyes", "Kai One", "Two Guitars", "Shatritsa", "Vengerka", "Mato", "Chardash", "Ручеёк", "Мохнатый шмель", "Mardjandja", "Long Road" (Дорогой длинною), and other Gypsy favorites. Vasiliy performed with balalaika virtuoso Elina Karokhina, dancer Alisa Egorova, and singer/guitar/accordion player Mikhail Smirnov.

Moscow Gypsy Army, Elina Karokhina, Vasiliy Yankovic-Romani, Mikhail Smirnov, Alisa Egorova, Long Island, New York
more from Great Neck


01-30-2016, Russian restaurant in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

On Saturday, January 30th, 2016 the company led by singer Vasily Yankovich-Romani who was named the best Gypsy Roma singer in the United States entertained guests during private party at the Russian restaurant in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.  Musician and singer Vasily performed a few special Russian Gypsy songs for Guest Of Honor VIKTOR who celebrated his 50TH Birthday.  Dancers Alisa and Elina invited all guests to join them on the dance floor for Gypsy "Vengerka" and "Tsyganochka".  Program of performance included Victor's favorite Gypsy songs "Mato", "Chardash", "Kay One", "Nane Tsokha", "Two Guitars", "Dark Eyes", "Shatritsa", "Jelem", and other Tsygansky hit songs.  Most of the guests participated in singing and dancing.  "Moscow Gypsy Army" appeared with special characters: Russian Bear and Gypsy Doll.

Moscow Gypsy Army, Vasily Yankovich-Romani, Elina Karokhina, Mikhail Smirnov, Philadelphia PA, Pennsylvania
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10-22-2015, Reception at the Consulate-General of Russia in New York City

Gypsy Rhoma dance and music ensemble Moscow Gypsy Army provided two hours music program at the Consulate-General of Russia, the diplomatic mission of the Russian Federation in New York City on Thursday, October 22nd, 2015 during Russian Children's Welfare Society event. The cast of musicians included USA best Gypsy Roma singer, dancer, and 7-string guitar player Vasiliy Yankovich-Romani, violing virtuoso Yaroslav, guitar player and singer Mikhail Smirnov, and balalaika player/dancer Elina Karokhina. The repertoire included "Dark Eyes", "Kai One", "Two guitars", "Shatritsa", "Vengerka", "Mato", "Chardash", "Ручеёк", "Мохнатый шмель", "Mardjandja", "Long Road (Дорогой длинною), and other Russian Gypsy favorites.

Moscow Gypsy Army, Цыганский ансамбль, Consulate-General of Russia, New York City, Gypsy singer, Gypsy music, Gypsy show, Цыганское шоу, «Московская цыганская армия», Генеральное консульство России в Нью-Йорке
more from Consulate-General of Russia NYC


10-21-2015, Private party in the wilds of Pocono Mountains in Pennsylvania

Gypsy Roma (Romani) dance, acoustic music, and song ensemble Moscow Gypsy Army (Цыганский ансамбль музыки и танца) provided Gypsy Roma standards including "Mardzandza", "Mato", "Dark Eyes", "Two Guitars", "Kai Yone", «Мохнатый шмель», «Ручеёк» and other songs and dances during very special private event on the Horse Farm in Pennsylvania's Pocono Mountains on October 21st, 2015. Мероприятие включало в себя встречу гостей в лесу с цыганским хором, катание с цыганами и медведем на лошадях, романтический ужин у костра на горе под аккомпанемент цыганских песен, танцев и музыки. Exact address of the farm was 2-4 Dutch Hill Road, Canadensis PA 18325.

Moscow Gypsy Army, Московская цыганская армия, Pocono Mountains, Pennsylvania, Gypsy dancers, Gypsy singer, Gypsy music, Gypsy show, Цыганское шоу в горах Поконо, штат Пенсильвания
more from Pocono Mountains


07-25-2015, Public performance at the Untermyer Park in Yonkers, New York

90 minute public community performance at the Untermyer Park in Yonkers, New York. Exact address of the venue: 945 North Broadway, Yonkers, New York 10701 on July 25, 2015 from 7:30 - 9:00PM. Cast: Vasiliy Yankovich (vocals, Russian-Gypsy 7 string guitar), Alexey Kurilov (guitar), Mikhail Smirnov (garmoshka, guitar, vocals), Gennady Gutkin (bayan-accordion), Adrien Chevalier (violin), Olga Chpitalnaia (dancer), Sergij Tsyganok (dancer), Alisa Egorova (costume characters). The program of performance included "Kai One", "Two Guitars", "Shatritsa", "Joseph-Joseph", "Vengerka", "Mato", "Mardjandja", "Dark Eyes", "Long Road", and other selections.

Moscow Gypsy Army, Untermyer Park, Yonkers, New York, Vasiliy Yankovich, Alexey Kurilov, Mikhail Smirnov, Gennady Gutkin, Adrien Chevalier, Olga Chpitalnaia, Sergij Tsyganok
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12-07-2013, Birthday party in Mahwah, New Jersey

On Saturday, December 7th, 2013 musicians Mikhail Smirnov (guitar, vocals) and Elina Karokhina (balalaika) provided short performance during birthday party in Mahwah, New Jersey (Bergen County). В программе выступления были несколько цыганских и русских песен, в том числе, цыганская величальная, конкурс-викторина и фотосессия. К сожалению, фото с именинницей Натальей не сохранилось, но остался снимок с популярным в то время русским радио- и тележурналистом, ведущим новостей Юрием Ростовым.

Moscow Gypsy Army, Russian Gypsy Balalaika Duo, Mikhail Smirnov, Elina Karokhina, Yuri Rostov, Saturday, December 7th 2013, 12-07-2013, Bergen County, New Jersey, Mahwah, NJ, Элина Карохина, Михаил Смирнов, Юрий Ростов
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08-05-2012, Russian-Gypsy style party on the boat in New York City

Elina Karokhina, Mikhail Smirnov, Pasha Zhivago (bayan-accordion) and Alexandre Tseytlin performed during Russian-Gypsy style party on the boat in New York City on Sunday, August 5th, 2012 from 6 to 8pm.

Russian-Gypsy style party on the boat in New York City, 08-05-2012, Elina Karokhina (balalaika), Mikhail Smirnov (guitar, vocals), Pavel Zhivago (bayan-accordion) and Alexandre Tseytlin (violin)
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08-02-2012, The Center For The Arts At The Y in Wayne

Thursday, August 2nd, 2012, 7-8:30pm. 90 min public performance of Moscow Gypsy Army at the The Center For The Arts At The Y, Wayne Township, Passaic County, New Jersey. Exact address of the venue: WAYNE YMCA, 1 Pike Drive, Wayne, NJ 07470. Cast: Valentina Kvasova, Alexander Rudoy, Mikhail Smirnov, Elina Karokhina, Leonid Bruk.

08-02-2012, Thursday August 2nd 2012, Moscow Gypsy Army, The Center For The Arts At The Y, Mikhail Smirnov, Valentina Kvasova, Elina Karokhina, Alexander Rudoy, Leonid Bruk, WAYNE YMCA, 1 Pike Drive Wayne NJ  07470
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04-24-2012, Sussex County Community College Performing Arts Center, Newton, New Jersey

Gypsy show on Tuesday, April 24th, 2012 at the Sussex County Community College Performing Arts Center, One College Hill Road, Newton, New Jersey 07860. 5 performers: V.Kvasova, B.Moukhametov, E.Karokhina, L.Bruk, M.Smirnov.

NJ Russian-Gypsy dance, song and music show, Sussex County Community College Performing Arts Center, Newton, New Jersey, 04-24-2012, Tuesday April 24th 2012, Valentina Kvasova, Leonid Bruk, Boulat Moukhametov, Elina Karokhina, Mikhail Smirnov, Sussex County Community College Performing Arts Center One College Hill Road Newton, New Jersey 07860
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04-21-2012, Russian Restaurant NASHA RASHA NYC

New York City Gypsy Trio performed at the Russian Restaurant Nasha Rasha, 4 West 19th Street, New York, NY with program of popular Russian Gypsy songs and dances.

New York City Gypsy Trio, Russian Restaurant Nasha Rasha New York City, Nasha Rasha 4 W 19th Street New York NY
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11-13-2011, Community Library in Shirley, New York

Two dancers, two singers, and two musicians performed one hour free public concert at the Community Library in Shirley, New York on Sunday, November 13th, 2011. Presentation started at 2pm. Cast of performers: Aliaksandr Anatska (dancer), Valentina Kvasova (dancer), Leonid Bruk (balalaika-contrabass), Irina Zagornova (singer), Sergey Pobedinsky (singer, guitar player), Yan Khmel (button accordion bayan). Exact address of the venue: Community Library Friends of the Arts, Inc. 407 William Floyd Parkway, Shirley, NY 11967.

New York Gypsy Show, Community Library, Shirley, New York, 11-13-2011, Sunday November 13th 2011, Aliaksandr Anatska (dancer), Valentina Kvasova (dancer), Leonid Bruk (balalaika-contrabass), Irina Zagornova (singer), Sergey Pobedinsky (singer, guitar player), Yan Khmel (button accordion), Community Library Friends of the Arts, 407 William Floyd Parkway Shirley NY 11967
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10-18-2011, Corporate event Firebird Restaurant New York City

Two musicians (Elina Karokhina, Mikhail Smirnov) and singer Jenya Zolotariova of Moscow Gypsy Army team performed during New York Chapter of NACE (National Association of Catering Executive) event at The Firebird restaurant located in Hell's Kitchen area in NYC, exact address: 365 West 46 Street, New York, NY on Tuesday, October 18th 2011.

Moscow Gypsy Army Trio, Elina Karokhina, Mikhail Smirnov, Jenya Zolotariova, New York Chapter of NACE (National Association of Catering Executive) event at The Firebird restaurant in NYC, 365 West 46 Street, New York, NY, Tuesday, October 18th 2011
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10-12-2011, Concert at the Penn State University in Hazleton, Pennsylvania

Three musicians of Moscow Gypsy Army (Leonid Bruk, Elina Karokhina, and Mikhail Smirnov) performed one hour concert at the Penn State University in Hazleton, Pennsylvania (Slusser Bazyck Bldg, 76 University Drive, Hazleton, PA 18202) on Wednesday, October 12, 2011. Program of performance included songs and music of Russian Gypsies such as Long Road, Shatritsa, Dark Eyes, Vengerka, and other selections.

Moscow Gypsy Army, Penn State University Hazleton, Pennsylvania, Slusser Bazyck Bldg, 76 University Drive, Hazleton, PA 18202, Wednesday, October 12, 2011
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08-16-2011, Birthday party in Stamford, Connecticut

Musicians, singers, and dancers of Moscow Gypsy Army performed during Russian birthday party in Stamford, Connecticut. The event took place on Saturday, July 16th, 2011 from 6 to 10pm at the private house located at 963 Rock Rimmon Road, Stamford, CT 06903. Cast of performers included singer/guitar player Seryuzha Pobedinsky, singer Sasha Menshikov, singer/7 string guitar player Vasiya Yankovich, violinist Valera Zhmud, Aniya Zeenenko (dancer), and dancer Aniya Brovkina. Program of the performance included "Kai One", "2 guitars", "Shatritsa", "Joseph-Joseph", "Vengerka", "Mato", "Mardjandja", "Dark Eyes" ("Очи чёрные"), "Long Road" ("Дорогой длинною"), "За дружеской беседою", "Эй, ямщик, гони-ка к Яру", "Мохнатый шмель", "Цыганская фантазия" (инструментальный номер), "Не будите", "Нанэ Цоха", "Две гитары", "Чардаш" (инструментальный номер), "Бирюзовые златы колечки", "Как цветок душистый" (цыганская величальная), "Только раз" (романс), "Пропил Мишка", "Что мне горе", "Gypsy Medley" (Попурри), "Сердце на снегу", "Мы на лодочке катались", and other Gypsy Roma (Romani), songs, music, and dances. The company also presented several Russian, Ukrainian, and Moldovian songs, as well as some classical music, and internationally known hits.

Russian birthday party, Moscow Gypsy Army, Stamford, CT
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11-21-2010, Wedding at the Waldorf Astoria, New York City

Anna and Peter got married at The Waldorf Astoria Hotel. It was such a beautiful wedding — the cocktail hour was lavish, the caviar was never-ending, the ballroom was re-carpeted in white with the most unreal flowers — it looked like a fantasy world! And Anna looked like a princess. Guests included Hellen McMad, Mike Heller, Jon Cheban, Simon Huck, Lesley Thompson, Lina Anisimova, Dan Abrams, Michael Sokoloff and many others! Moscow Gypsy Army provided Gypsy show for the event.

Waldorf Astoria NYC November 2010 Photo by
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04-11-2009, Great Falls Performing Arts Center in Paterson

April 11, 2009, 5pm. Performance at the Great Falls Performing Arts Center. Cast: authentic Russian Gypsy Roma singer/7 stringed Russian-Gypsy guitar player Vasily Yankovich Romani, Alex Siniavski (Gypsy jazz guitar), Mikhail Smirnov (guitar, vocals), Alexandre Tseytlin (violin), Alexander Menshikov (vocal), Valentina Kvasova (dancer, vocals), Alexey Maltsev (dancer, costumed characters). Address of the venue: 151 East 33rd Street, Paterson New Jersey 07514.

Russian Gypsy Show in New Jersey, Цыганское шоу Нью-Джерси, Vasily Yankovich Romani, Alex Siniavski, Mikhail Smirnov, Alexandre Tseytlin, Alexander Menshikov, Valentina Kvasova, Alexey Maltsev, Great Falls Performing Arts Center, 151 East 33rd Street, Paterson New Jersey  07514, April 11th 2009
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01-26-2008, Concert with legendary Russian-Gypsy singer Zhenya Shevchenko, Kaye PLayhouse, New York City

Concert of legendary Russian-Gypsy singer Zhenya Shevchenko and Moscow Gypsy Army took place in New York City on Saturday, January 26, 2008 at THE KAYE Playhouse Theater at Hunter College. Photos by Dalia Bagdonaite, video by Alexander Feygin.

Zhenya Shevchenko, New York City, 2008, photos by Dalia Bagdonaite
Moscow Gypsy Army, Zhenya Shevchenko, New York City, 2008, photos by Dalia Bagdonaite
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June 1998-January 1999. Russian Gypsy Cabaret-Restaurant "Moscow", New York City

Musicians and dancers (Irina Zagornova, Natasha Smirnov, Svetlana Yankovskaya, Gennady Gutkin, Lev Zabeginsky, Mikhail Smirnov, Leonid Bruk, Sergey Riabtsev, and Yuriy Vodolaga performed every night from June 3rd, 1998 through January 1, 1999 at the Cabaret Moscow located on the corner of Lexington Avenue and 54th Street in New York City. Exact address: 137 East 55th Street, New York, NY. Program the show included "I am walking in Moscow", "There is no grief", "Saturday Affair", "Barynya", "Tongue twister", "From the evening, from the midnight". "Terek River Cossack dance", "Klezmer violin extravaganza", "Nane Tsokha" (Gypsy). "Tilima" (Gypsy). "Those Were The Days". "Dark Eyes". "Two Guitars". "Shatritsa", "The Creek", "Marusya One, Two, Three", "At the Blacksmith's", and "New York, New York"

Irina Zagornova, Natasha Smirnov, Svetlana Yankovskaya, Gennady Gutkin, Lev Zabeginsky, Mikhail Smirnov, Leonid Bruk, Sergey Riabtsev, Yuriy Vodolaga, Cabaret Moscow, New York City, 137 East 55th Street, New York, NY
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Артисты ансамбля цыганской музыки и танца (основан в 1998-ом году) под управление Ляли Пшеничной принимают приглашения выступить на любых мероприятиях и площадках. Приветствуются частные и корпоративные клиенты. Во время шоу всегда только "живой" звук. Имеется собственная аппаратура и транспорт.


Contact info: | (201) 981-2497 (Text/Cell)

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