Mikhail Smirnov, Artistic Director/Founder of Ensemble Barynya, owner of Barynya Entertainment, was born in Moscow, Russia in 1966. Mikhail (Ru: Михаил Смирнов) is an author of many articles about traditional Russian dance, music and instruments in English and Russian, owner of Barynya Entertainment - the biggest Russian talent booking agency outside of Russia.
Mikhail recieved his Master's degree from the Moscow State University of Culture and Arts. As a child, he was a member of the famous "Moscow Boys Chorus" - one of the most prestigious all-male choirs in Russia. Before coming to the United States in 1991, Mikhail was a soloist in a several Russian folk dance and music groups including the Moscow State Center for Russian song, "Russkaya Pesnya", under direction of Nadezhda Babkina. While studying in Moscow, Mikhail followed his passion for Russian folk culture by traveling to many different regions of Russia such as Tver, Smolensk, Belgorod, and Don River to collect Russian folklore at its sourse. He was surprised to find out that folk dances, songs, melodies, lyrics, and tunes change from village to village, even if those as close as a couple of miles apart. In these folklore expeditions, Misha recorded over 100 hours of Russian folk music and dances, performances on folk instruments. Later he has incorporated much of this original material into repertoire of his ensemble Barynya - the biggest professional Russian dance and music company outside of Mother Russia. Mikhail is adept on a variety of Russian folk instruments including balalaika-contrabass, balalaika, and gusli. However, his favorite instrument remains the garmoshka, the small Russian folk button accordion used in Russian folk music and dancing.
To get a price quote or to ask any questions, please send an email to msmirnov@yahoo.com or call (201) 981-2497.
"Superstars of Dance", NBC
In January 2009 Mikhail Smirnov and dancers of ensemble Barynya were featured on national TV, NBC's "SUPERSTARS OF DANCE" - breathtaking international dance competition led by executive producers Nigel Lythgoe and Simon Fuller (American Idol, So You Think You Can Dance). This prestigious dance competition hosted by Michael Flatley ("Lord of the Dance") and Susie Castillo, a former Miss USA. Mikhail Smirnov was one of eight judges to decide which country will win. Of course, he can was not able to be judging Team of Russia... The show premiered on NBC network on January 4th and aired through January 26th, 2009.
Professional photos by photographer Yuriy Balan, Queens, New York
10-22-2024. New York Police Department Headquarers, New York City
Ensemble Barynya was the main performer during Eastern European Heritage Night, sponsored by the Russian American Officers Association (RAOA). The event took place at NYPD Headquarters at One Police Plaza on October 22, 2024. The evening featured performances by Barynya and Pesvebi, delicious food, and guest speakers.
Russian Nobility Ball 2023, The Pierre A Taj Hotel, New York City
On Friday, May 5, 2023 90th Annual Russian Nobility Ball took place at The Pierre A Taj Hotel in New York City. Musicians played during cocktail hour, dancers opened the Ball with a Waltz from Sleeping Beauty. The dinner show included Kolomeyka, Mexican, Tatar, American, Gypsy, Flamenko, Hopak, Chardash (instrumental), and Kalinka.
Barynya live at the Anyway Cafe and Bar, Brooklyn, New York
Musicians of ensemble Barynya were playing in Brooklyn on Saturday, May 6th, 2023 from 9pm to midnight. Performance took place in colorful Sheepshead Bay neighborhood of Southern Brooklyn at the Anyway Cafe and Bar, 1602 Gravesend Neck Road, Brooklyn, New York 11229. Musicians Mikhail Smirnov (guitar, vocals, garmoshka) and Elina Karokhina (domra, mandolin, balalaika, back vocals) performed world music, classical, contemporary, etc.
Elina Karokhina, Mikhail Smirnov at the Anyway Cafe Brooklyn, 05-06-2023, Saturday, May 6th, 2023
В субботу, 6-ого мая 2023-его года для жителей города и туристов в колоритном бруклинском районе Шипсхед-Бей (южный Бруклин) в исполнении виртуозных музыкантов ансамбля "Барыня" - Элина Карохина (балалайка, домра, мандолина), Михаил Смирнов (гитара, гармошка, вокал) - звучала живая музыка.
Live Music Balalaika Band - Wedding Tasting Room & Taphouse at Mount Ida Reserve - in Scottsville, Virginia - October 8, 2022
DJ Alisa, bilingual MC-Tamada Mikhail and eight piece live music band provided music and entertainment for mixed Russian-Jewish-American wedding reception in Scottsville, Virginia on Saturday, October 8th, 2022. For their venue newlyweds selected Tasting Room & Taphouse at Mount Ida Reserve, 5600 Moonlight Dr, Scottsville, VA 24590.
July 16, 2022. Niagara Falls, ONTARIO, Canada, Russian Adoption Reunion 2022
On Saturday, July 16th, 2022 musicians and dancers of ensemble Barynya - Mikhail Smirnov, Elina Karokhina, Alisa Egorova, Valentina Kvasova, Alexandr Rudoy - performed 30 minutes show for adoptees ages 8-21, and their families during Russian Adoption Reunion 2022 event that took place at the Sheraton Fallsview Hotel, 5875 Falls Ave, Niagara Falls, ONTARIO L2G 3K7, Canada. There were adoptees from Russia, Ukraine, Bulgaria, Kyrgyzstan and China. Totasl guests count: 250. The program included "Korobushka", "Kalinka", "Valenkee" ("Woolen Boots"), "Mardzhandzha", "Hopak", "Dark Eyes", "The Moon Is Shining Brightly" and "Bottle Dance" based on the "Fiddler On The Roof".
Emirates-Russian Week, Emirates Palace, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
Musicians of Barynya ensemble provided several thirty minute performances during Emirates-Russian Week at the Emirates Palace in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.
Leonid Bruk, Elina Karokhina, Mikhail Smirnov played during Svet Ministries Event at the Koinonia Christian Fellowship in Bloomingdale, Canada on Saturday, October 26, 2019 a program of Russian and Russian-Gypsy traditional music. Performance took place at the Koinonia Christian Fellowship, 850 Sawmill Rd, Bloomingdale, ON N0B 1K0, Canada.
Corporate event at 5 star Esperanza Resort, Vilnius County, Lithuania
On Monday, December 18th, 2017 Balalaika Trio and folk dancers of Barynya ensemble performed during corporate event in Lithuania. It was high-class New Year's celebration produced by professional team of top people in the industry.
Mikhail Smirnov and folk singer Alexander Menshikov we invited to provide entertainment (jokes in Russian and English, traditional Russian Gypsy songs "Dark Eyes", "Kai One", "Two Guitars", "Nane Tsokha", "Prikhayape", "Shatritsa", "The Long Road") for the Russian New Year's party in Sidney, Australia.
01-23-2020. "From Russians With Love", Concert with Charleston Symphony Orchestra, Gaillard Center, Charleston, SC
On Thursday, January 23rd, 2020 Elina Karokhina, and Mikhail Smirnov performed joined concert titled "FROM RUSSIANS WITH LOVE" with Charleston Symphony Orchestra led by conductor Yuriy Bekker. Program of performance: Dmitri Shostakovich Festive Overture, Op. 96, Piotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky “ Polonaise ” from Eugene Onegin, Sergei Rachmaninoff's Vocalise, Modest Mussorgsky, (arr. Nikolai Rimsky - Korsakov) Night on Bald Mountain, Stravinsky's Firebird Infernal Dance Berceuse Finale, Aram Khachaturian's “Sabre Dance“ from Gayane, Nikolai Rimsky - Korsakov “Flight of the Bumble Bee” from Tale of Tsar Saltan, Russian Folk Song "Oche Chiornie" (Dark Eyes), arr. Carmen Dragon, Lionel Bart, arr. John Bachalis “ From Russia With Love “ from James Bond: From Russia With Love, Maurice Jarre, arr. Bill Holcombe “Laura’s Theme” from Dr. Zhivago, Russian Folk Song "Kalinka", Russian Folk Song "Kamarinskaiya", Russian Folk Song "Valenki", Russian Folk Song "Korobushka", Piotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky “Finale” from Symphony No . 4 in F minor, Op. 36.
Saturday, June 5th, 2021. Gypsy Night at the Anyway Cafe in New York City
Russian Gypsy singer Natasha Stolichnaya and NYC Gypsy Band performed for 3 hours at the Anyway Cafe in New York City on Saturday, June 5th, 2021 (8 to 11pm). Cast of performers: Natasha Stolichnaya, Frida Anuarbek (keyboard, vocals), Elina Karokhina (balalaika virtuoso), Mikhail Smirnov (guitar, vocals, garmoshka). Repertoire: Russian Gypsy songs and music, popular Russian songs, classical music, international hit songs.
On Saturday, March 27th, 2021 from 8 to 11pm Mikhail Smirnov (guitar, garmoshka, vocals) and Elina Karokhina (balalaika virtuoso) played Russian, Gypsy, classical and contemporary music at the Anyway CafeBrooklyn Exact address of the venue: Anyway Cafe 1602 Gravesend Neck Rd, Brooklyn, NY 11229.
12-01-2020. Virtual performance for Musical Bridges Around the World "Facebook Live for Giving Tuesday" event in San Antonio, Texas
On Tuesday, December 1st, 2020 Elina Karokhina (balalaika) and Mikhail Smirnov (garmoshka, guitar, vocals) provided brief virtual performance for Musical Bridges Around the World Facebook Live for Giving Tuesday! Mission to support and bring multicultural performing and visual arts in San Antonio, Texas and beyond. Musicians performed two Russian winter songs and answered a few questions.
November 5th, 2020. Virtual performances at the Evergreen Elementary School, San Jose, California
On Thursday, November 5th, 2020 dancers and musicians of Russian dance and music ensemble Barynya presented two virtual performances for the students of the Evergreen Elementary School, San Jose, California. Exact address of the school: 3010 Fowler Rd, San Jose, CA 95135. Forty five min program of each assembly included introduction to Russian language, culture, Russian, Cossack, Ukrainian, Jewish and Gypsy Roma traditional dancing, music, songs, and virtuoso performances on instruments including the balalaika, garmoshka (Russian folk button accordion) and balalaika contrabass. Cast of performers: dancer Konstantin Tulinov, Mikhail Smirnov (garmoshka, guitar, vocals), Elina Karokhina (balalaika), dancer Elena Notkina, dancer Alexander Rudoy, dancer Katsiaryna Mileuskaya,
dancer Zheniya Berdzinishvili, dancer Vladimir Nikitin, dancer Sergey Tsyganok, dancer Veronika Hunko, dancer Valentina Kvasova, dancer Maryia Zhukovich,
dancer Olga Chpitalnaia, dancer Anna Brovkina, dancer Katerina Brovkina, dancer Irina Kl, dancer Ilia Pankratov, dancer Danila Sherstobitov, and dancer Aliaksandr Anatska.
Sept 11, 2020. Recording of ensemble Barynya promo-video. Kings Bay YM-YWHA, Brooklyn, New York
On Friday, September 11th, 2020 dancers, singers and musicians of Barynya, Russian dance, song and music ensemble had a rehersal and session of video recording at the Kings Bay YM-YWHA - a Jewish community center and proud partner of UJA-Federation of New York - located at 3495 Nostrand Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11229. Cast of Barynya on that day included Simona Zhukovsky (dancer), Valentina Kvasova (dancer, vocals), Olga Chpitalnaia (dancer), Olga Yeliseyeva (dancer), Alexander Rudoy (dancer), Vladimir Nikitin (dancer), Konstantin Tulinov (dancer), Danila Sherstobitov (dancer), Leonid Bruk (contrabass-balalaika), Elina Karokhina (balalaika), Mikhail Smirnov (garmoshka, guitar, vocals), and singer Irina Zagornova. Company recorded one song performed by Irina Zagornova and several dance routines: "Barynya", "Kalinka", Cossack dance, Moldavian dance, "Metelitsa", Tatar dance, Gypsy dance and Jewish Bottle dance.
Первый публичный концерт ансамбля "Барыня" после начала эпидемии КОВИД-19 состоялся в субботу, 22-ого августа 2020 года в Антермаер парке города Янкерс (штат Нью-Йорк). Untermyer Park and Gardens (остатки поместья Сэмюэля Дж. Унтермайера "Грейстон") - исторический городской общественный парк площадью 43 акра, расположенный в Йонкерсе, штат Нью-Йорк, в округе Вестчестер, к северу от Манхаттена. На концерте было примерно пятьдесят человек зрителей (строго по пригласительным билетам). Вся публика была в масках. Люди сидели друг от друга на расстоянии в шесть футов (примерно два метра). Прямая трансляция выступления шла для остальных подписчиков этой концертной серии через Фейсбук и YouTube. Басист ансамбля Леонид Брук (Leonid Bruk) записал видео выступления. Благодаря ему концерт можно посмотреть полностью от начала до конца.
Saturday, August 22nd, 2020, Untermyer Park and Gardens, Yonkers, New York, Mikhail Smirnov, Leonid Bruk, Elena Notkina, Natasha Stolichnaya, Frida Anuarbek, Maryia Zhukovich, Vladimir Nikitin, Elina Karokhina, Konstantin Tulinov, Katsiaryna Mileuskaya, Valentina Kvasova, Veronika Hunko
Russian Themed Surprice Birthday Party, Chinar On The Island, Staten Island, New York, Russian dancers, musicians, singers, MC, Tamada, October 24, 2020
On Saturday, October 24th, 2020 five members of ensemble Barynya - Mikhail Smirnov (garmoshka, vocals, guitar), Elina Karokhina (balalaika), Alisa (dancer), Konstantin Tulinov (dancer), and Leonid Bruk (balalaika-contrabass) - provided entertainment during Russian themed Surprice Birthday Party at the Chinar On The Island, 283 Sand Ln, Staten Island, NY 10305. The company met the Guest of Honor Сергей Владимирович at the door with Bread and Salt ceremony followed by CHAROCHKI (величальная для именинника) dressed in traditional costumes with live music, and the Russian Bear. When guests were seated inside dancers and musicians provided a program with musicians playing the balalaika, garmoshka, balalaika contrabass, singing popular Russian songs, dancers performing several dance selections including Russian, Ukrainian, Gypsy, Jewish, Tatar with multiple costume changes. Artistic director of ensemble Barynya Mikhail Smirnov took care of Tamada/MC entertainment introducing toasts, and doing couple of games and trivia with guests, Guest of Honor and his wife.
01-21-2020. Fayetteville Technical Community College, Fayetteville, North Carolina
On Tuesday, January 21st, 2020, two dancers and two musicians of Russian dance, song and music ensemble Barynya proided dance and music workshop with questions and answers from 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM, and formal performance from 12:00PM to 1PM at the Cumberland Hall Auditorium on Fayetteville campus Fayetteville Technical Community College, 2201 Hull Road, Fayetteville, NC 28303. Students learn facts about Russia, and asked questions about Russian Culture and e njoy traditional Russian folk dances, music, and songs performed on garmoshka, and balalaika. Cast of performers: dancer Alisa Egorova, singer Mikhail Smirnov, balalaika player Elina Karokhina, and dancer Sergey Tsyganok.
01-17-2020. Tatiana Ball 2020, Crystal Party Center, Parma, Ohio
Friday, January 17th, 2020. Barynya Balalaika Trio {Leonid Bruk, Elina Karokhina, Mikhail Smirnov} performed waltzes, tangos, Russian and Gypsy traditional and popular music and songs during Russian Tatiana Ball 2020 in Ohio. Exact address of the venue: Crystal Party Center Wedding Hall & Catering, 5745 Chevrolet Blvd, Parma, OH 44130.
10-19-2019. 6th Annual Slavic Heritage Festival, Harford County, Maryland
On Saturday, October 19th, 2019. Leonid Bruk, Elina Karokhina, Mikhail Smirnov, Alisa Egorova, Konstantin Tulinov, Arsentiy Oskin provided several performances during Sixth Annual Slavic Heritage Festival that was held on the grounds of St. Mary's Assumption Eastern Rite Church, 2807 Mountain Road, Joppa, Maryland 21085.
10-02-2019. Kid's Birthday Party in Downtown New York City
On Wednesday, October 2nd, 2019, from 7 to 8pm members of New York Russian Balalaika Trio Leonid Bruk (balalaika contrabass), Elina Karokhina (balalaika), Mikhail Smirnov (garmoshka), and and folk singer Irina Zagornova performed during kid's party in downtown Manhattan. The program of performance included Russian dance workshop, interactive games, Russian music and songs.
09-14-2019. Ann Arbor Russian Festival, St.Vladimir Orthodox Church, Dexter, Michigan
Dancers, singers, and musicians of Barynya ensemble provided several performances during 7th Annual Ann Arbor Russian Festival 2019 that was taking place on the gounds of St. Vladimir Orthodox Church in Dexter, Michigan on Saturday, September 14th and Sunday, September 15th, 2019. Cast: Alisa Egorova (dancer), Serhiy Tsyganok (dancer), Konstantin Tulinov (dancer), Simona Zhukovski (dancer), balalaika virtuoso Elina Karokhina, Leonid Bruk (balalaika-contrabass), Mikhail Smirnov.
09-31-2019. Faith Food and Fellowship Festival, Holy Trinity Orthodox Church, East Meadow, Long Island
On Saturday, August 31st, 2019 ensemble Barynya (Leonid Bruk, Alisa Egorova, Elina Karokhina, Mikhail Smirnov) provided three hours performance during Faith Food and Fellowship Festival-2019 at the Holy Trinity Orthodox Church in East Meadow, Long Island from 12 to 3pm. The program of performance included Russian, Ukrainian, Cossack, Moldavian, Tatar, Jewish and Gypsy folk songs, music and dancing.
On Tuesday, September 10th, 2019 from 8 to 11pm two musicians of Barynya ensemble Elina Karokhina (balalaika), and Mikhail Smirnov (vocal, guitar) played for 3 hours at the Anyway Cafe in East Village, Manhattan. Exact address: Cafe Anyway NYC, 34 East 2nd Street, New York, NY 10003-8909. Phone: (212) 533-3412. Elina and Mikhail played a mix of some modern popular songs, classical pieces, Russian, Cossack, Ukrainian, Jewisjh, Gypsy popular and traditional songs and instrumental numbers on balalaika, garmoshka, and guitar. Music selections included Sabre Dance from "Gayane" by Aram Khachaturian, The Hungarian Dance Number 5 (German: Ungarische Tanze) by Johannes Brahms, Csardas by Vittorio Monti, Paganini's Caprice No. 24, Rondo Alla Turca (Turkish March) by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Polonaise No. 13 in A minor, "Pozegnanie Ojczyzny" (Farewell to the Fatherland) by Michal Oginski, Libertango by Astor Piazzolla, J.S. Bach - Suite No. 2 - Badinerie (Joke), Variations on a Theme of Corelli in the Style of Tartini. Composer, Kreisler, Fritz, Marie-Auguste Massacrie-Durand Valse No.1, Op.83 (First Waltz), "Moscow Nights", "Kalinka", "Long Road", "Two Guitars", "Meadowlands", Andreev's Waltz "Daydreams", Russian folk dance "Kamarinskaya", "Somewhere My Love" from "Dr. Zhivago" movie, "The Moon Is Shining Brightly", "The Peddlers", "Yablocko", "Ural Mountains Dance", "Angry Husband", Onegin's Name Day Waltz, Mozart's "Turkish Rondo", "Dark Eyes", "Gypsy Roma Medley", Shostakovich's Waltz #2, "Chardash", Balalaika Medley, "Valenki" (Felt Boots).
08-16-2019. Upper West Side Manhattan. Private party.
On Friday, August 16th, 2019 balalaika virtuoso Elina Karokhina, folk singer Irina Zagornova, garmoshka player Mikhail Smirnov and contrabass balalalaika player Leonid Bruk performed mix of Russian, Cossack, Ukrainian, and Gypsy songs during private party in Manhattan's Upper West Side. Exact address: 310 West 72nd Street, apt 2c, New York City, NY.
05-03-2019. Russian restaurant Gambrinus, Brooklyn, New York
Musicians of the Barynya Balalaika Trio led by Elina Karokhina, best Russian balalaika virtuoso in the United States of America, performed three sets of Soviet, Russian, Jewish, and Gypsy songs and music during the Grand Re-Opening of iconic Russian Restaurant Gambrinus located on the corner of Ocean Parkway and Brighton Beach Avenue in the heart of Russian part of Brooklyn, NY on Friday, May 3rd, 2019 from 8pm to midnight. Exact address of the venue: Gambrinus & Co, 3100 Ocean Pkwy, Brooklyn, NY 11235.
03-09-2019. Lone Tree Arts Center, Lone Tree, Colorado
Russian dancers, singers and musicians of ensemble Barynya performed 90 min concert at the Lone Tree Arts Center in Lone Tree, Colorado on Saturday, March 9th, 2019. Cast of Barynya ensemble included dancers Alexander Rudoy, Konstantin Tulinov, Vladimir Nikitin, Olga Chpitalnaia, Katia Brovkina, Valentina Kvasova, Alisa Egorova, and musicians Leonid Bruk, Elina Karokhina, Mikhail Smirnov. Dancers performed Moldavian dance, Sailors' dance, Barynya, Kalinka, Hopak, Danila Cooper, Jewish wedding dances (Bottle dance, Candle dance), Siberian, Gypsy, Cossack, and other selections. Exact address of the venue: Lone Tree Arts Center, 10075 Commons Street, Lone Tree CO 80124.
Ensemble Barynya, Colorado, Russian dancers, Lone Tree Arts Center, Alexander Rudoy, Konstantin Tulinov, Vladimir Nikitin, Olga Chpitalnaia, Katia Brovkina, Valentina Kvasova, Alisa Egorova, Leonid Bruk, Elina Karokhina, Mikhail Smirnov
01-26-2019. Performance with Arizona Balalaika Orchestra in Tucson, Arizona
Russian balalaika virtuoso Elina Karokhina, singer/guitar player Mikhail Smirnov, contrabass-balalaika player Leonid Bruk, Arizona Balalaika Orchestra led by conductor Alexander Tentser performed a concert on Saturday, January 26th, 2019 at the Pima Community Center for the Arts in Tucson, Arizona.
11-21-2018. Russian restaurant Mari Vanna New York City, 50th Birthday party
On Sunday, November 11th, 2018 company performed during Russian-Gypsy themed 50th Birthday Celebration at Russian restaurant Mari Vanna in New York City, 41 E 20th St, New York, NY 10003. Cast of musicians and dancers: Leonid Bruk (balalaika contrabass), Elina Karokhina (balalaika), Mikhail Smirnov (guitar, garmoshka, vocals), dancer Alisa Egorova, Andrei Solodenko (accordion), Sasha Tseyitlin (violin). Show included arrival of huge costume character mascot - Russian Bear to dance and take photos with guests.
10-20-2018. Atlanta Balalaika Orchestra 37th Annual Fall Concert
Saturday, October 20th, 2018, 7:30 pm. Balalaika Trio with Atlanta Balalaika Orchestra in Concert titled An Evening of Music and Song From Slavic Lands at the Avondale First Baptist Church, 27 Covington Road, Avondale Estates, GA 30002.
10-13-2018. Concert at the Freeport High School in Freeport, New York
On Saturday, October 13th, 2018 ensemble Barynya performed 90 min concert sponsored by Freeport Community Concert Association (FCCA) at the Freeport High School, 50 S Brookside Ave, Freeport, NY 11520. Cast of Barynya ensemble included dancer Vladimir Nikitin, singer Irina Zagornova, contrabass balalaika player Leonid Bruk, dancer, choreographer, singer Valentina Kvasova, dancer Alexander Rudoy, dancer/singer Simona Zhukovski, dancer Serhiy Tsyganok, dancer Irina Biryukova, dancer Konstantin Tulinov, dancer Olga Yeliseyeva, dancer Olga Chpitalnaia, dancer Ilia Pankratov, dancer Alisa Egorova, balalaika virtuoso Elina Karokhina, and artistic director, singer, garmoshka, and guitar player Mikhail Smirnov.
On Friday, July 27, 2018 (6-11pm), Saturday, July 28, 2018 (1-9pm), and Sunday, July 29, 2018 (1-9pm) Barynya Balalaika Trio provided many shows during the Cleveland Russian Festival 2018 sponsored by St. Sergius Cathedral. Festival was taking place on grounds of German Central, 7863 York Road, Parma, Ohio.
07-16-2018. Valley Forge Casino Resort, King Of Prussia, Pennsylvania
75 min concert during the Balalaika and Domra Association of America (BDAA) 40th Anniversary conference on Monday, July 16th, 2018 at the Valley Forge Casino Resort, 1160 First Avenue, King of Prussia, PA 19406.
06-28-2018. Long Life Adult Day Care, Cliffside Park, NJ, Bergen County
On Thursday, June 28th, 2018 Russian Balalaika Trio performed one hour concert at the Long Life Adult Day Care Center in Bergen County, New Jersey, USA. Exact address of the venue: Long Life Adult Day Care, 596 Anderson Ave, Cliffside Park, NJ 07010. Program of performance included Waltz "Babochka" (The Butefly) by Vasily Vasilievich Andreyev, "Variations on a Theme of Corelli in the Style of Tartini", composer Fritz Kreisler, arr. for balalaika by P. Necheporenko, "The White Acacia's Fragrant Flakes" by Alexander Shalov and V. Basner, "Sabre Dance" - a movement in the final act of Aram Khachaturian's ballet Gayane, "Barynya" by Yury Shishakov, and other selections.
06-24-2018. Coney Island Cultural Festival, Gravesend, Brooklyn, NY
Sunday, June 24, 2018, 4:05pm. Coney Island Cultural Festival in Gravesend part of Brooklyn. John Dewey High School, 50 Ave X, Brooklyn, New York 11223. Konstantin Tulinov, Vladimir Nikitin, Mikhail Smirnov, Elina Karokhina, Alisa Egorova, Leonid Bruk, Irina Zagornova, Simona Zhukovski, Dinara Subaeva, Boulat Moukhametov.
04-29-2018. Queens, Astoria, New York, Steinway Street Fair International Cultural Festival
Sunday, April 29th, 2018, 3:30PM - 3:55PM. Russian Balalaika Trio and Barynya dancers 25 min performance during the Steinway Street Fair International Cultural Festival on Steinway Street between Broadway & 31st Avenue in Astoria, Queens. Cast of performers: Vladimir Nikitin, Konstantin Tulinov, Serhiy Tsyganok, Dinara Subaeva, Alisa Egorova, Elina Karokhina, Leonid Bruk, Mikhail Smirnov, Vasily Yankovich.
Queens, New York, Steinway Street Fair International Festival Russian folk song "Saturday Affair" - Subboteya - У нас нонче субботея (video)
04-17-2018. Concert at the Darien High School in Connecticut
Russian music, dance and song ensemble "Barynya" provided Russian folk song and dance workshop and formal 90 min performance on Tuesday, April 17th 2018 at the Darien High School, 80 High School Lane, Darien CT 06820. Folk songs and dance master class with high school and middle school students started at 5pm. Performance started at 7pm. Cast of Barynya performers: Vladimir Nilitin, Konstantin Tulinov, Serhiy Tsyganok, Simona Zhukovski, Olga Chpitalnaia, Dinara Subaeva, Leonid Bruk, Alisa Egorova, Elina Karokhina, Mikhail Smirnov. Program of performance: Russian folk song and dance KALINKA (The Snowball Tree), Russian song and dance METELITSA (The Snowstorm), Sibirian Nanai dance (НАНАЕЦ), BARYNYA, PIDMANULA, KAMARINSKAIA, TATARSKIY, contrabass-balalaika solo, Jewish Candle dance, Andgry Husband (КАК ЗАСТАВИЛ МЕНЯ МУЖ), Jewish Bottle dance (БУТЫЛКИ), Peddlers (КОРОБУШКА), Cossack dance (КАЗАЧИЙ ТАНЕЦ ВАРЕНЬКА), Russian Tongue-Twisters (СКОРОГОВОРКИ), Sailors dance (ЯБЛОЧКО), Ukrainian National Dance "Hopak" (ГОПАК), Dark Eyes (ОЧИ ЧЕРНЫЕ), Russian Gypsy Romani dance Mardzhandzha (ЦЫГАНСКИЙ ТАНЕЦ МАРДЖАНДЖА), Waltz Durane (ДЮРАН), and other selections.
01-13-2018. New York Hilton Midtown, New York, NY. APAP showcase
Saturday, January 13th, 2018, 8:40pm. APAP (Association of Performing Arts Professionals) showcase in NYC. New York Hilton Midtown, Regent Parlor 2nd Floor, 1335 Avenue of The Americas, New York, NY 10019. Cast: Vladimir Nikitin, Konstantin Tulinov, Dinara Subaeva, Valentina Kvasova, Alisa Egorova, Elina Karokhina, Irina Zagornova, Mikhail Smirnov, Leonid Bruk.
Russian themed birthday party on Saturday, October 14th, 2017 at the Noble Nest in White Lake, New York. Mikhail Smirnov (guitar, garmoshka, vocals), Leonid Bruk (balalaika-contrabass), singer Simona Zhukovsky, balalaika virtuoso Elina Karokhina, singer Valentina Kvasova provided traditional Russian, Cossack, Ukrainian, and Gypsy songs during cocktail hour. Dancers of Aria Entertainment have met the guests and performed several dance routines during the dinner.
Leonid Bruk, Elina Karokhina, and Mikhail Smirnov provided 45 min school assembly performance on Thursday, September 28th, 2017 at the Rodgers Forge Elementary School in Baltimore, Maryland. Exact address of the school: 250 Dumbarton Road, Baltimore, MD 21212.
09-04-2017. Lakeside Adult Care Center, Brooklyn, New York
Monday, September 4th, 2017, 11am and 4pm. 1 hour concert dedicated to Labor Day Celebration at the Lakeside Adult Health Care Center, 945 East 108th Street, Brooklyn, New York 11236. Program of Jewsh, Russian, Gypsy traditional music and songs, classical music selections.
On Saturday, August 19th, 2017 from 7:30 to 9pm Russian Balalaika Trio and Barynya Dance Ensemble performed free 90 minute public concert at the Untermyer Park, 945 N Broadway, Yonkers, NY 10701. Cast of performers included Elina Karokhina, Mikhail Smirnov, Leonid Bruk, Alisa Egorova, Valentina Kvasova, Simona Zhukovsky, Dinara Subaeva, Vladimir Nikitin, Serhiy Tsyganok, Konstantin Tulinov.
Saturday, July 29th, 2017, 1pm-2pm, 3:30pm-5pm, 6:30pm-8:30pm, 9:45-11pm. Sunday, July 30th, 2017, 1-2:30pm, 6:30-8pm. German Central, 7863 York Road, Parma, Ohio. 4th Annual Cleveland Russian Festival presented by St. Sergius Cathedral in Cleveland, Ohio.
07-26-2017. Caramoor Center for Music and the Arts, Katonah, NY
On Wednesday, July 26, 2017 from 5:20 to 7pm. Mikhail Smirnov, Leonid Bruk, Valentina Kvasova, Elina Karokhina. Caramoor Center for Music and the Arts, 149 Girdle Ridge Rd, Katonah, NY 10536.
07-20-2017. Holiday Inn Alexandria Old Town, Alexandria, Virginia
Musicians of Barynya Balalaika Trio and Russian dancer Alisa performed 60 min concert during the Balalaika and Domra Association of America (BDAA) 39th conference in Virginia, USA. Concert took place on Thursday, July 20th, 2017 at the Holiday Inn Alexandria Old Town, 625 First Street, Alexandria, Virginia 22314.
Wednesday, July 12th, 2017, 7-11pm. Corporate event at the Siberian Floors NYC, 145 Hudson Street, New York, NY 10013. Mikhail Smirnov (garmoshka), Elina Karokhina (balalaika), Leonid Bruk (balalaika contrabass), dancer Alisa Egorova, dancer Vladimir Nikitin, dancer Dinara Subaeva, Alex Tseytlin (violin).
Saturday, July 1st, 2017, 9pm. Musicians of Balalaika Trio and ten dancers of Russian folk dance ensemble Barynya provided Gypsy, Cossack, Tatar, Russian and Ukrainian dances and music during private party in New York City.
On Friday, May 26, Saturday, May 27, and Sunday, May 28, 2017 (Memorial Day weekend 2017) musicians of Barynya Balalaika Trio and dancers of Barynya ensemble performed several shows during Troika Festival in Erie, Pennsylvania. All performances were taking place on the grounds of Church of the Nativity Community Center, 109 German Street, Erie, PA.
02-11-2017. Fort Lauderdale Grand Russian Ball, Mary Porter Riverview Ballroom, Broward Center for the Performing Arts, Florida
Russian balalaika duo at the Black Tie Gala, Fort Lauderdale Grand Russian Ball 2017 at the Mary Porter Riverview Ballroom, 75th Anniversary of Florida Grand Opera at the Broward Center for the Performing Arts, 201 Southwest 5th Ave, Fort Lauderdale FL 33312.
01-31-2017. Muhlenberg South Elementary School, Beechmont, Kentucky
Russian folk music, dance and song trio Barynya - Leonid Bruk (balalaika-contrabass), Elina Karokhina (balalaika), and Mikhail Smirnov (garmoshka, guitar, vocals) / - performed a concert on Tuesday, January 31st, 2017 at the Muhlenberg South Elementary School located in Beechmont, Kentucky. A program of the performance included Sabre Dance from "Gayane" by Aram Khachaturian, traditional Russian song "Kalinka" with accompaniment of Russian button accordion garmoshka, World Balalaika Medley, Siberian Nanai Fighting Dance "Wrestling of Nanai Kids" (Russian: "Нанаец"), dance of Russian Bear (Russian: "Танец Медведя"), Russian folk song and dance "The Snowstorm" (Russian: "Метелица"), Jewish Wedding Dance With Candles (Russian: "Танец со свечками"), Russian Romani Roma Gypsy song and dance "Dark Eyes" (Russian: "Очи Чёрные"), Russian folk dance lesson "Barynya" (Russian: "Урок танца"), Ukrainian folk song and dance "Pidmanoola" (Russian: "Украинский"), Russian folk instrument balalaika introduction with folk song Kamarinskaiya (Russian: "Камаринская"), Russian Tongue Twisters Medley ("Скороговорки"), Russian Percussian Orchestra interactive game with students ("Трещётки"), instrumental solo Chardash (Russian: "Чардаш"), and other selections.
01-28-2017. Pima Community College, Tucson, Arizona
Saturday, January 28, 2017, 7-9pm concert with Arizona Balalaika Orchestra at the Pima Community College Proscenium Theater stage, 2202 W. Anklam Rd., Tucson, AZ 85745.
Nikolai Massenkoff and ensemble Barynya Illinois and Missouri tour 2016
Russian folk singer Nikolai Massenkoff and ensemble Barynya were doing a short concert tour in Illinois and Missouri in October 2016. Concerts took place on Tuesday, October 25, 2016, 11am at FREEDOM HALL, 410 LAKEWOOD BOULEVARD, PARK FOREST, Illinois 60466, on Monday, October 24, 2016, 9:30am at Brubeck Arts Center on Campus of Wabash Valley College, 2200 COLLEGE DRIVE, MOUNT CARMEL, Illinois 62863, on Sunday, October 23, 2016, 1:30pm. Brubeck Arts Center on Campus of Wabash Valley College, 2200 COLLEGE DRIVE, MOUNT CARMEL, Illinois 62863, on Saturday, October 22, 2016, 6pm at BELLE STARR THEATER, 112 E. BOONSLICK ROAD, WARRENTON, MISSOURI 63383. Cast of performers included soloist, star, singer inger Nikolai Massenkoff, Leonid Bruk (contrabass-balalaika), Elina Karokhina (balalaika), Mikhail Smirnov (guitar, garmoshka, vocals), Vladimir Nikitin (dancer), Simona Zhukovsky (dancer).
Sunday, August 7th, 2016, 9-11:15am. Performance at The Old Dutch Church of Sleepy Hollow in Sleepy Hollow, New York. Exact address: Reformed Church of the Tarrytowns, 42 North Broadway, Tarrytown, New York 10591 (www.reformedchurchtarrytowns.org).
Russian Balalaika music and song trio Barynya performed 45 min program during the Balalaika & Domra Association of America conference 2016 in Bloomington, Indiana on Friday, July 22, 2016 at the Courtyard Bloomington, 310 S. College Avenue, Bloomington, Indiana 47403.
On Thursday, July 21st, 2016 from 5 to 9pm Barynya Balalaika Trio provided free and opened to public performance during an annual Street Music Festival in Illinois. Program of performance included traditional, popular and classical music from Russia and around the world performed on balalaika, balalaika-contrabass, garmoshka, and guitar.
07-20-2016. Ocean City Free Public Library, Ocean City, NJ, Cape May County, NJ
Wednesday, July 20th, 2016, 4pm. Barynya Balalaika Trio at the Ocean City Free Public Library, 1735 Simpson Ave., Ocean City, NJ 08226. Cape May County, New Jersey.
07-20-2016. Bankbridge Elementary School, Sewell, NJ, Gloucester County, New Jersey
On Wednesday, July 20th, 2016 starting at 9:30am Barynya Balalaika Trio perormed 45 min concert at the Bankbridge Elem. School in Gloucester County, New Jersey. Exact address of the school: Bankbridge Elementary School, 850 Bankbridge Road, Sewell, NJ 08080.
06-05-2016. Wedding at the Lyndhurst Mansion Castle (Jay Gould Estate), Tarrytown, NY
On Sunday, June 5th, 2016, from 6:30 to 10:30pm Barynya Balalaika Trio performed during cocktail hour and a few fast songs during dancing part of the reception during the wedding at the Lyndhurst Mansion Castle (Jay Gould Estate), 635 S Broadway, Tarrytown, NY 10591.
05-07-2016. Ellis Island Medals of Honor Ceremony, Ellis Island, NYC
On Saturday, May 7th, 2016 Barynya Balalaika Trio {Leonid Bruk, Elina Karokhina, Mikhail Smirnov} performed during Ellis Island Medals of Honor Ceremony on Ellis Island in New York (federally owned island in New York Harbor).
May 2nd, 2016. Wesleyan University, Farm Hill Elementary School, Memorial Chapel, Middletown, CT
Leonid Bruk, Elina Karokhina, Mikhail Smirnov performed three concerts in Middletown, Connecticut. First show and workshop took place at the World Music Hall of Wesleyan University. Second performance was a 45 min concert for students and teachers at the Farm Hill Elementary School located at 390 E Ridge Rd, Middletown, CT 06457 on Monday, May 2nd. 2016. School assembly performance started at 2PM. The Balalaika Trio performed Siberian Nanai Wrestling Dance "Нанаец", Russian folk button accordion "Гармошка" introduction with traditional Russian song "Kalinka", The Snowstorm, Russian folk dance ("Метелица"), Kamarinskaiya, Russian folk instrument balalaika introduction ("Камаринская"), Russian Tongue Twisters Medley ("Скороговорки"), Jewish wedding dance "Свечки", Russian Percussian Orchestra interactive game with students ("Трещётки"), Russian Romani Roma Gypsy song and dance ("Цыганский"), Russian folk dance lesson ("Урок танца"), Ukrainian folk song and dance Pidmanoola ("Украинский"), instrumental solo "Чардаш", Russian Bear dance "Медведь", and other selections. Last performance took place at the Memorial Chapel Middletown located at 221 High Street in Middletown, CT.
On Monday, May 2nd, 2016 at 10am Balalaika Trio provided one hour performance at Connecticut Baptist Homes, 292 Thorpe Ave., Meriden, CT 06450. Program included Russian, Cossack, Gypsy, Jewish, Ukrainian songs and dances as well as classical repertoire.
02-12-2016. Steve's Live Music, Sandy Springs, Georgia
Friday, February 12th, 2016, 8-9pm. Barynya Balalaika Trio (Lina, Leonid, Misha) performed one hour concert at the Steve's Live Music, 234 Hilderbrand Dr, Sandy Springs, Georgia 30328.
Thursday, December 17th, 2015, 8pm-2am. Corporate event at the Siberian Floors, 6191 Biscayne Blvd, Miami, Florida 33137. Tel: 305.428.2092, Fax: 212.954.5513. Program of Russian, Jewish, Cossack, Gypsy songs, music and dances.
On Saturday, December 12th, 2015 Barynya Balalaika Trio, singer Irina Zagornova, dancers Olga Chpitalnaia, Valentina Kvasova, A.Lapidas, Iliya Pankratov performed a show at popular Russian restaurant Romanoff in Brooklyn, New York. Exact address: 2670 Coney Island Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11235.
10-10-2015. Private party in Greenwich, Connecticut
On Saturday, October 10th, 2015 from 6 to 11pm the Balalaika Trio played for several hours during party at the private house in Greenwich, Connecticut. Elina Karokhina (balalaika), Mikhail Smirnov (garmoshka) and Leonid Bruk (balalaika-contrabass) performed mix of classical, popular, and traditional Russian, Cossack, Gypsy, Ukrainian, Jewish music and songs.
Russian song, dance and music Balalaika trio Barynya performed on Sunday, July 12th, 2015 at house concert and party hosted by Nina and Eugene Tritinichenko in Holland, Michigan. Barynya Balalaika Trio (Leonid Bruk (balalaika-contrabass), Elina Karokhina (balalaika), Smirnov (guitar, garmoshka, vocals)) presented 1 hour performance and performed a few songs during the party that followed the concert.
07-09-2015. World Music Concert Series in Downtown Oak Park, Oak Park, Illinois
Russian song, dance and music Balalaika and garmoshka Trio Barynya performed on Thursday, July 09, 2015, from 7 to 9pm at the Downtown Oak Park, 1010 Lake Street, Oak Park, Illinois during the Thursday Night Out World Music Concert Series in Downtown Oak Park, www.downtownoakpark.net. Barynya Balalaika Trio cast: Leonid Bruk (balalaika-contrabass), Elina Karokhina ( balalaika), Mikhail Smirnov (guitar, garmoshka, vocals) presented two hours performance that included Russian, Cossack, Siberian, Gypsy, Ukrainian, Jewish music and songs, and also classical and popular repertoire.
07-08-2015. Sheraton Suites Akron Cuyahoga Falls, Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio. BDAA-2015.
Wednesday, July 8, 2015. 1 hour concert in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio during 2015 convention of Balalaika and Domra Association of America. Trio performed a mix of Russian, classical, and Gypsy music.
Performance took place at the Sheraton Suites Akron Cuyahoga Falls, 1989 Front St, Cuyahoga Falls, OH 44221 on Wednesday, July 8, 2015.
04-16-2015. United States West Point Military Academy, West Point, New York
Balalaika Trio perfored a formal concert at the West Point Military Academy on April 16th, 2015. Elina Karokhina (balalaika), Mikhail Smirnov (garmoshka, guitar, vocals), Leonid Bruk (balalaika-contrabass) played a mix of popular, classical and traditional music and songs from Russia and from around the world. Program of performance included Andreev's Waltz, Russian folk song Kamarinskaya, Dr. Zhivago, The Moon Is Shining Brightly, Peddlers, Yablocko, Ural Mountain dance, Angry Husband, Onegin's Name Day Waltz, Russian Tongue Twisters, Mozart Turkish Rondo, Russian Folk Songs Medley, Dark Eyes, Gypsy Roma Medley, Shostakovich Waltz #2, Chardash, Balalaika Medley, Valenki (Felt Boots).
02-28-2015. Polish Community Center, Albany New York
Saturday, February 28, 2015, 12:45pm – 1:30pm, 2:45pm – 3:30pm, 4:05pm – 4:50pm. 3 performances at the Polish Community Center, 225 Washington Avenue Extension, Albany, New York 12205. New Russia Cultural Center's Russian festival. Cast: Andrei Kisselev (dancer), Yana Volkova (dancer), Irina Zagornova (singer), Leonid Bruk, Elina Karokhina, Mikhail Smirnov.
On Saturday, January 10th, 2015 from 7:30 to 9:45pm. Barynya Balalaika Trio performed during Faberge event that was taking place in New York City. Exact address: 26 East 73rd Street, New York, NY 10021. Cast: Mikhail Smirnov (guitar, garmoshka, vocals), Leonid Bruk (balalaika-contrabass), Elina Karokhina (balalaika).
12-21-2014. Walt Whitman Theatre, Brooklyn Center for the Performing Arts
On Sunday, December 21st, 2014 at 3pm Barynya Balalaika Trio (Bruk, Karokhina, Smirnov) performed at Walt Whitman Theatre (Brooklyn Center for the Performing Arts) in Brooklyn College during kid's New Year's Musical Fairytail "The Snowmaiden". Exact address of the venue: 2900 Avenue H, Brooklyn, NY 11210
09-21-2014. St. Alexander Nevsky Cathedral & Church of Our Lady of Tikhvin in Howell, NJ
On Sunday, September 21st, 2014 Barynya Balalaika Trio (Leonid Bruk, , Mikhail Smirnov, Elina Karokhina) and folk singer Irina Zagornova performed at the Russianfest on the grounds of St. Alexander Nevsky Cathedral & Church of Our Lady of Tikhvin, 200 Alexander Avenue, Howell, New Jersey 07731.
9-20-2014. North Brunswick, NJ, concert with singer A.Menshikov
On Saturday, September 20th, 2014 starting at 1:45pm musicians of Barynya Balalaika Trio Leonid Bruk, Mikhail Smirnov, Elina Karokhina and singer Alexander Menshikov performed one hour concert at the Heritage Day Festival in North Brunswick Community Park, 2053 U.S. 130, North Brunswick, NJ 08902.
Performance with Russian singer Nikolai Massenkoff at the Graceland University's Shaw Center, Shaw Family Auditorium, Lamoni Campus, 1 University Place, Lamoni, IA 50140 on Friday, April 04, 2014. ALL PHOTOS and VIDEO from Lamoni, Iowa
02-07-2014. 49th Petroushka Ball at the Plaza Hotel NYC
Friday, February 7th, 2014,7pm-2am. 49th Petroushka Ball at the Plaza Hotel NYC, 768 5th Ave, New York, NY. Grand Ballroom & Terrace Room. Singer Alexander Menshikov, Igor Lutsev (drums), Sergei Gurbel (sax), Vladimir Barskiy (piano), Leonid Bruk (contrabass balalaika), Mikhail Smirnov (garmoshka, guitar, vocals), Elina Karokhina (balalaika), Sergey Ryabtsev (violin), dancers: Valentina Kvasova and Olga Chpitalnaia.
08-30-2013. Kislak Camp, Lakewood, Wayne County, Pennsylvania
Friday, August 30th, 2013. 1 hour performance at the Kislak Camp, 119 Woods Rd, Lakewood, PA 18439. Leonid Bruk, Mikhail Smirnov, Elina Karokhina, Irina Zagornova.
Photo from concert at the Peabody Essex Museum during an exhibition "Faberge Revealed" in Salem, Massachusetts, July 2013. All photos made by Shawn Fitzgerald Photography are available on Barynya website.
Wednesday, July 10th through Sunday, July 14th, 2013 musicians of Barynya Balalaika trio (Elina Karokhina, Mikhail Smirnov, Leonid Bruk) and Russian folk singer Irina Zagornova performed during the Balalaika and Domra Association of America (BDAA) 35th Annual Convention in Sarasota, Florida.
02-27-2012. State Capella of Saint Petersburg, St.Petersburg, Russia
Mikhail Smirnov and Elina Karokhina were invited to perform at the concert dedicated to celebration of 80th jubilee of Mr. Nikolai Aleksandrovich Shubin, famous teacher of the balalaika and domra. Elina and Mikhail played very difficult medley that consisted of Russian folk songs, classical and popular hits. The concert took place at the "State Capella of Saint Petersburg", one of the most prestigious concert halls in St. Petersburg, Russia located at Naberezhnaya Reky Moiki, #20, metro (subway station) "Nevsky Prospekt". All photos and videos are available at st.petersburg.russia.htm
12-11-2011. Huntington Library, Suffolk County, Long Island
Sunday, December 11, 2011, 2pm. 1 hour performance at Huntington Public Library, 338 Main Street, Huntington, NY 11743. 3 male dancers, 3 musicians: Nick Kobryn, Ilia Pankratov, Petr Tikhonov, Elina Karokhina, Mikhail Smirnov, Leonid Bruk.
11-05-2011. Saints Peter and Paul Russian Orthodox Church, South River NJ
On Saturday, November 5th, 2011 Barynya Balalaika Trio performed at the Saints Peter and Paul Russian Orthodox Church's special event in South River, New Jersey. Exact address of the venue: 9 Jeffrie AveSouth River, NJ 08882
On Sunday, October 30th, 2011, 5-7pm. performance during Biologique Recherche's cocktail party at the Gansevoort Park Hotel, 420 Park Ave South, New York, NY.
Mikhail Smirnov (garmoshka) and Elina Karokhina (balalaika)) at Nasha Rasha NYC, Russian restaurant that is rated as one of the Ten Best Russian Restaurants in New York City, 4 W 19th Street, New York New York.
09-17-2011. Russian-American Wedding at the Garrison, Garrison, New York
On Saturday, September 17th, 2011 musicians and dancers of Russian dance, song, and music ensemble Barynya provided music and entertainment during mixed Russian-American wedding in Garrison, New York. Cast of Barynya included Danila Sherstobitov (dancer), Ilia Pankratov (dancer), Olga Chpitalnaia (dancer), Anna Brovkina (dancer), Leinid Bruk (contrabass balalaika player), Mikhail Smirnov (singer, garmoshka, and guitar player), and balalaika virtuoso Elina Karokhina. Exact address of the venue: The Garrison, 2015 US 9, Garrison, New York 10524. Address for GPS: 1 Snakehill Rd, Garrison, NY 10524.
Barynya Trio at the Law & Order: Special Victims Unit: Russian Brides, Season 13, Episode 7
Elina Karokhina and other musicians of Barynya ensemble were a part of famous TV show Episode about Russian mafia. In order to bring down a Russian mobster running an international prostitution/kidnapping ring disguised as a Russian bride website, Cragen steps from behind the desk to go undercover as a "john". Cast: Elina Karokhina - balalaika, Mikhail Smirnov - garmoshka, Alexandre Tseytlin - violin.
06-29-2011. Barynya Russian Balalaika Trio on TV in Boston, MA
Barynya Balalaika Trio: Elina Karokhina (balalaika), Leonid Bruk (balalaika-contrabass), Mikhail Smirnov (garmoshka, guitar, vocals).
Recorded and produced by EstradaProduction. All photos and videos from this event are available at the website www.Russian365.com.
Anyway cafe NYC with Elina Karokhina (balalaika), February 2011
02-11-2011. Petroushka Ball, Waldorf Astoria, New York City
Performance during dinner by Elina Karokhina (balalaika), Leonid Bruk (balalaika-contrabass), Mikhail Smirnov (guitar), and singer Alexander Menshikov. Recorded by Alexander Gurman (alexandergurman's YouTube channel) on February 11, 2011 at the Waldorf Astoria in New York City during the Petroushka Ball-2011.
01-19-2011. Performance during basketball game NJ NETS vs Utah JAZZ at the Prudential Center arena in Newark, New Jersey, USA.
Musicians Alexandre Tseytlin (violin), Leonid Bruk (bass, balalaika-contrabass), Elina Karokhina (balalaika), Mikhail Smirnov (garmoshka, guitar), singer Alexander Menshikov, and singer Irina Zagornova entertained during the New Jersey Nets VIP reception. The guest list included NETS owner (Mikhail Prokhorov), the Russian Ambassador to the UN (H.E. Vitaly Ivanovich Churkin), and the Russian Consul General (Honorable Andrey Konstantinovich Yushmanov).
On Tuesday, December 16th, 2010 Russian dance amd music ensemble Barynya performed during Rusal corporate party at the Russian Consulate NYC - the diplomatic mission of the Russian Federation in New York City. Cast: Elina Karokhina, Mikhail Smirnov, Leonid Bruk and singer Irina Zagornova at the RUSAL USA corporate party.
08-14-2010. Public performance in Westchester County, New York
On Saturday, August 14th, 2010, 7:30PM to 9:15PM. Russian Balalaika Trio and dancers of ensemble Barynya provided free public performance in Westchester County, New York. Performers cast: Leonid Bruk (balalaika contrabass), Elina Karokhina (balalaika), Mikhail Smirnov (garmoshka, guitar, vocals), Alexander Rudoy (dancer), Aliaksandr Anatska (dancer), Olga Yeliseyeva (dancer), Olga Chpitalnaia (dancer), Vldmr Lgnv (bass), and folk singer Irina Zagornova. Exact address: Untermyer Park, 945 North Broadway, Yonkers, New York.
Woolen Boots {Valenki} (video) - 11,364 views on youtube since September 1st, 2010
It has been the first time in 2010 when singers Irina Zagornova performed with Barynya during the same concert. Elina Karokhina (balalaika) and Leonid Bruk (balalaika-contrabass) have played a new arrangement of the Sailors dance for balalaika and balalaika-contrabass. Video Alisa Yegorova, video editing L.Bruk. Photos by L.Bruk and I. Fridman. See all photos and videos from this concert here.
07-17-2010. 50th Birthday Party - Russian Sailors' Theme, Lake Ozark, Missouri
MC MISHA, singer Sasha Menshikov, Leonid Bruk, Elina Karokhina entertained an exclusive private party on the Lake Ozark in Missouri. The party with the Russian Sailor's theme took place outside just above the beautiful lake. The temperature was above 90 however everyone had a good time. Musicians played live music with garmoshka, guitar, balalaika, bass guitar, and balalaika-contrabass). The team performed American, Russian, Gypsy, Ukrainian, Jewish, and European popular songs and music.
07-14-2010. Sheraton Bloomington Hotel Minneapolis South, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Videos were recorded during the "Gypsy Night" and "Open Microphone Night" at the Balalaika and Domra Association of America conference-2010. The conference took place at the Sheraton Bloomington Hotel in Minneapolis, Minnesota in July 2010. Performers: Elina Karokhina (balalaika), Leonid Bruk (balalaika-contrabass), singer Alexander Menshikov, Mikhail Smirnov (guitar, garmoshka, vocals). Camera - Sergey Rogozin, video editing Leonid Bruk.
List of songs performed on video below "Two guitars" (continue) - singer Misha Smirnov, "Kai Yone" - singer Sasha Menshikov, "Yablochko - Small Apple" - Lyonya Bruk, Lina Karokhina, "Prikhayape" - singer Sasha Menshikov, "Sing it once, sing it twice" - Misha and Sasha, "Hava Nagila, 7:40, Felt Boots" - solo Lina Karokhina
List of songs performed on video below "Hava Nagila, 7:40, Felt Boots" (finale) - solo Lina Karokhina, "Mato" - singer Sasha Menshikov, "Faceted Glasses" - singer Sasha Menshikov
List of songs performed on video below "Russian Tongue-Twisters" - solo Mikhail Smirnov, "Caprice #24" by Paganini - solo Elina Karokhina, "Shnitke's Fuga" - solo Leonid Bruk, "Along The Piterskaya" ("Вдоль по Питерской") - singer Sasha Menshikov.
List of songs performed on video below "Styopa The Drunk" (with Judy Sherman's "Big Rock Balalaikas" from Los Angeles, CA), "Burn, Burn, Gypsy Love" (with Judy Sherman's "Big Rock Balalaikas"), "Gypsy Fantasy" (arr. Shalov) - solo Lina Karokhina, "Somewhat sad, let's play the guitar" - singer Sasha Menshikov, "Two guitars" - singer Misha Smirnov
Ensemble Barynya at the promotional advertising campaign in New York City for "Krushka and Bochka KVASS". KVASS is a natural bread-based original beverage of Russia.
04-15-2010. Video from Montclair Kimberley Academy in Montclair, NJ
Concert took place on April 15th, 2010. Cast: Anya Zeenenko (dancer), Alexey Maltsev (dancer, costumed characters), Mikhail Smirnov (garmoshka, balalaika, vocals). List of songs and dances performed: "Kalinka", "Korobushka", "Hopak", "Chastushki-Staradaniya", "Nanai Sumo Wrestling dance", "Metelitsa" (The Snowstorm), "Skorogovorki" (Russian Tongue Twisters), "Subboteya" (Saturday Affair). Extra: photo medley. Camera Sasha, video editing Misha.
"The Star-Ledger", NJ's largest local newspaper, USA
..."The spirit of the Old Country transplanted to the New -- that's the essence of Barynya, the Slavic folk dance ensemble, which made a lively stop Sunday at the Community Theatre in Morristown.
Founded and directed by Mikhail Smirnov, a Russian ethnomusicologist who now lives in Cliffside, the troupe is comprised of immigrants from Russia and its satellites, like the former Soviet republic of Ukraine. Yet in the wake of perestroika, the geographic distribution of Cossack dance staples like the "Kazatsky" has come to include parts of Brooklyn, Canada and New Jersey. Although farther out from the Russian sun, the orbits of these lesser moons are apparently fixed.
Smirnov, who narrates the program when he is not squeezing an accordion-like instrument called the garmoshka, seems comfortable with this irony, and he peppers his monologue with witticisms. His audience's propensity to greet the music with rhythmic clapping..." read full article in NJ's "Star Ledger"
09-18-2008. Mikhail Gorbachev's Liberty Medal Award Gala
National Constitution Center, Philadelphia, PA
Ensemble Barynya performed during the Diner Gala after the Liberty Medal 2008 was presented to former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev by President George H.W. Bush. Official ceremony took place on Thursday, September 18, 2008 at The National Constitution Center located at 525 Arch St. on Philadelphia’s Independence Mall. Eight Barynya dancers, four musicians and three singers entertained a black-tie dinner for more than 1,000 guests. Audience included President George H. W. Bush, Tom Brokaw, Dikembe Mutumbo and Van Cliburn. Barynya performed both concert music and dance throughout the evening. President's Bush and Gorbachev were thrilled. World known concert pianist Van Cliburn shake hands with the balalaika virtuoso Lev Zabeginsky. MC of the evening, American television journalist Tom Brokaw, used one of our microphones to do the toasts. He was standing next to Barynya musicians on the stage.
04-09-2010, Toronto, Canada
Friday, April 9th, 2010, Old Mill Inn, 21 Old Mill Road, Toronto, Ontario, M8X 1G5 CANADA, Winter Palace Ball and the Gala Charity Fundraiser benefitting Ruskoka, a summer camp for underprivileged children.
Musicians: Elina Karokhina
Leonid Bruk
(contrabass balalaika),
Yan Khmel
Mikhail Smirnov
(garmoshka, guitar, vocals),
Valery Abramov (tenor-saxophone), Oleg Sorin (trumpet).
Sunday, January 10, 2010, 8:40PM, 9:40PM, 10:40PM,
APAP booking conference NYC Hilton, Morgan Suite, 2 Floor
1335 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10019
Solo concert of Barynya ensemble at the huge concert hall in Chihuahua City was stopped in the beginning and delayed. Many people outside of the theatre still wanted to get in to see the show. Finally they put sound monitors and projection screens on the street and let some more people inside. That is a very funny funny video. Because they recorded the concert but failed to record the sound, so they just pulled some music off the internet and put the two together. The sound track is fun in its own way too. Our singer Sasha Menshikov did not like it. Actually he hated this video. But maybe he was overreacting.
Сольный концерт ансамбля Барыня в огромном концертном зале города Чиуауа Сити (Чивава Сити) был задержан на 30 ИЛИ 40 минут. На улице осталось около 1000 человек, которым не досталось билетов, а люди требовали впустить их посмотреть шоу. На улице поставили большие проэкционные экраны, звуковые колонки, и в концов концов мы начали наше выступление. К сожалению, на видео вместо нашего собственного звука местные видеооператор и режиссер, которые сделали нам это видео в подарок, зачем-то "подложили" записи каких-то других русских ансамблей. Но эти записи тоже довольно прикольные сами по себе. А видео с выступления получилось очень красивое. Саше Меньшикову оно, правда, страшно не понравилось. Очень сильно не понравилось. Саша Меньшиков всё принимает слишком близко к сердцу.
Festival International des Rythmes du Monde, Chicoutimi (Quebec), Canada, July 2009
Over 10 thousand people attended Barynya performance during Festival in Chicoutimi. Performers: Leonid Bruk, Mikhail Smirnov, Alexander Menshikov, Yan Khmel, Lev Zabeginsky, Valentina Kvasova, Ilia Pankratov.
Mikhail Smirnov,
Lev Zabeginsky,
Valentina Kvasova,
Natalia Ejova,
Ksenya Hentisz,
Stefan Kuziw,
Mikhail Nesterenko,
Danila Sherstobitov, and
Alexey Maltsev performed three shows during the Fourth Annual Slavic Festival in Eugene, Oregon organized by Slavic Home. On the photo below ensemble Barynya is performing Danila Cooper, the dance of Russian Nobility.
12-21-2007. Russian Father Frosts and Snow Maidens
Barynya gig for TV Chanel RUSSIA TODAY, New York City
On December 21, 22, 23, 24, 28, 29, 30, 31, 2007 from 12PM till 4 PM New York based Russian dance and music ensemble Barynya dancers and musicians were leading a group of Russian Father Frosts and Snow Maidens (Ded Moroz and Snegurochka) to greet New Yorkers and promote new TV Channel "RUSSIA TODAY".
12-13-2007. Barynya in Toronto, Canada, December 2007
On December 13, 2007 at 8pm Russian dance and music ensemble Barynya performed at the "Guvernment" (Kool Haus Entertainment Complex), 132 Queens Quay East, Toronto, Ontario M5A 3Y5 Canada...
view more pictures
09-29-2007. Slavic Cultural Festival, McLean, Virginia
Mikhail Smirnov, Victoria Pichurova, Valentina Kvasova, Olga Chpitalnaia, Natalia Ejova, Mikhail Nesterenko, Stefan Kuziw, and Roman Lewkowicz photos from Slavic Cultural Festival that took place on September 29, 2007 at the McLean Community Center, 1234 Ingleside Ave., McLean, VA. Ensemble Barynya shared the stage with the Kazak Family Trio of Belarus, the Bandura Tells of Ukraine, and local organization, the Washington Balalaikas Society Orchestra.
10-06-2007. Performance with Sierra Nevada Balalaika Society
Russian Gypsy singer Alexander Menshikov and Mikhail Smirnov performed as guests artists at the concert with the Sierra Nevada Balalaika Society. Concert took place on October 6, 2007 at the Nightingale Hall at the University of Reno. The Sierra Nevada Balalaika Society is based in Reno, Nevada, and is an affiliate of the BDAA (Balalaika and Domra Association of America)...
Folklorama 2007 Russian Pavillion Winnipeg Canada
Artistic Director of the Barynya ensemble Mikhail Smirnov was invited to play gusli, balalaika, garmoshka and sing Russian tongue twisters at the FOLKLORAMA 2007 (the largest and longest running multicultural festival of its kind in the world) festival held annualy in Winnipeg, Canada.
July 16-28, 2007. Performance series in Ohio communities
Ensemble Barynya was touring the state of OHIO as part of the Ohio Arts Council’s Summer International Music and Performing Arts in Communities Tour (IMPACT). Barynya performed many shows, Russian & Ukrainian dance workshops from July 17 to July 28, 2007. Performance locations included Lakeside, Warren, Marietta, Jackson and Grandview Heights. All performances were free and open to the public.
July 9-15 , 2007. The Balalaika and Domra Association of America 2007 Decorah, Iowa
Singer Alexander Menshikov and garmoshka player Mikhail Smirnov were invited as guest artists and teachers of Russian Gypsy traditional music to the Annual conference of The Balalaika and Domra Association of America.
07-03-2007. Lions Clubs International 90th Convention in Chicago, IL
Lions Clubs International 90th Convention in Chicago, IL at the
Hilton Hotel for the Russian Evening Event on Sunday, July 3rd, 2007.
On the photo from left to right: dancer Natalia Ejova, Mikhail Smirnov (garmoshka), Jim Cox (contrabass), Alex Siniavski (balalaika), and dancer Andrij Cybyk...
05-11-2007. Russian Nobility Ball in New York City
The Russian Nobility Association in America annual Spring Russian Nobility
Ball took place at the luxurious "Pierre" Hotel on May 11, 2007 in New York City.
Musicians and dancers of New York based Russian dance and music ensemble Barynya (full company)
provided music for coctail hour and thirty minute music and dance program during the dinner. "Barynya" performed popular Russian Gypsy pieces: "Two Guitars", "Kay One", "Vingerka", "3 lines", Russian favorite balalaika arrangement "The Moon is shining brightly" and Cossack song and dance "Varen'ka".
04-29-2007. Fairmont Chicago Hotel, Chicago, Illinois
Sunday, April 29, 2007 from 8 to 11pm. “Gorodissky & Partners”, Ltd. reception at Fairmont Chicago Hotel, 200 N Columbus Dr, Chicago, IL 60601. Musicians: M.Smirnov (garmoshka, guitar, vocals), Alex Siniavski (balalaika, Gypsy guitar), Stefan Kuziw (tambourine), and Richard Armandi (contrabass). This was the first time ensemble Barynya performed with Richard Armandi on contrabass and Stefan Kuziw on tambourine. We have got Richard's number twenty hours before the show from our friend MOJO. Our own favorite contrabass-balalaika player L.Bruk was not available.
April 2007. Beck Center for the Arts, Lakewood, Ohio
Gop So Smykom literally "Hop With A Violin Bow", an untranslatable slang nickname of a criminal character, roughly "High-Spirited Hop". In the opening stanza he introduces himself: "Gop So Smykom happens to be me, Listen well, friends. For my trade I've chosen theft. I am hardly ever out of prison, and when I am, the prison misses me. But whatever prison I may be in, not a minute passes without me singing. I stick my hands in my pockets, And walk around, singing out of boredom... read more
March 2007. George Washington University, Slavic Spring Festival in Washington, D.C
Slavic Spring Festival in Washington, D.C. pictures, video
February 2007. Embassy of Russia in Washington, DC
Ensemble "Barynya" provided music and dancing for the MASLENITSA at the
Embassy of Russia in Washington, DC. It was a long drive from Brooklyn for every BARYNYA member: dancer Vitaly Verterich, singer Victoria Pichurova, musicians Alex Siniavski (balalaika, Gypsy guitar), violinist Alexander Tseytlin and Ruslan Khain (c-bass). Login to YAHOO
Ensemble Barynya Penn State University tour 2007
Popular Russian song "Katyusha" performed on Russian garmoshka and Gypsy guitar during ensemble "Barynya" tour at the Penn State University campuses in January 2007. Mikhail Smirnov (garmoshka), Alex Siniavski (Gypsy guitar). "Katyusha" is a Russian Soviet wartime song about a girl longing for her beloved, who is away on military service. The music was composed in 1938 by Matvey Blanter, lyrics - Mikhail Isakovski. It was first performed by the celebrated folk singer, Lidiya Rouslanova. "Katyusha" is a tender diminutive from the female name "Ekaterina" (Catherine).
Popular Russian folk song and dance "Kalinka" performed on Russian garmoshka, balalaika and Gypsy guitar during ensemble "Barynya" tour at the Penn State University campuses in January 2007.
Mikhail Smirnov (garmoshka), Alex Siniavski (Gypsy guitar, balalaika), and dancers Andrij Cybyk, and Natalia Ejova
2006. Ensemble Barynya in Eugene, Oregon
Barynya in Eugene, Oregon
11-13-2006. University of Texas-Pan American
October 2006, John Michael Kohler Arts Center
videoclips from performance in Sheboygan, Wisconsin
2 min 20 sec Russian Gypsy folk song and dance "Those were the days" video. Folk singer Alexander Menshikov and Russian music ensemble "Barynya" showcase at the booking conference on September 29, 2006 in Baltimore, Maryland. Mikhail Smirnov-guitar, Vadim Kolpakov-Russian Gypsy 7-string guitar, Ruslan Khain - balalaika contrabass, Alex Siniavski-balalaika, Gypsy guitar
August 2006. Reno, Nevada
Alexander Menshikov and Mikhail Smirnov are performing as "GYPSY BOYS" at the "Starlight Serenade" concert presented by the Sierra Nevada Balalaika Society at the Bartley Ranch Amphitheater, at 7:30 pm on Saturday, September 2nd. The Sierra Nevada Balalaika Society is dedicated to the perpetuation of music written for the balalaika, domra, and related instruments.
July 2006. Akron, Ohio.
The annual conference of The Balalaika and Domra Association of America took place in Akron, Ohio.
Mikhail Smirnov and singer Alexander Menshikov went there to teach Russian folk singing and Russian folk chorus and also to perform for over 160 attendees of the BDAA conference. view photos
Barynya musicians play aboard World Yacht's " Princess" at Pier 81 (West 41st street at the Hudson River) in New York City at the Russian Children's Welfare Society event "Petroushka on the Hudson".
United Nations Association event in Lighthouse International over on EAST 58th street in New York City. Barynya performes with two dancers, two musicians and singer... read recommendation letter
MARCH 2006. Petroushka Ball at the Waldorf's Astoria Hotel.
Barynya musicians are playing at the New York's landmark The Waldorf's Astoria Hotel at the Benefit Concert "Petroushka Ball" for The Annual Fundraiser of the Russian Children’s Welfare Society... more pictures
FEBRUARY 2006. World Champions exhibition and skating event in Locust Valley, New York
Barynya performance at the World Champions exhibition and skating event in Locust Valley, New York.
On the picture ensemble Barynya musicians with the gold medalists of the 2004 World Figure Skating Championships in Ice Dancing Tatiana Navka and Roman Kostomarov. From left to right: Tatiana Navka, Mikhail Smirnov, Roman Kostomarov and Alex Siniavski
February 2004. Discovery Channel series "The Party Planner with David Tutera
In February of 2004 ensemble Barynya participated in "Party Planner with David Tutera" on famous Discovery Channel show.
It was funny how many people watched that show on TV and complemented us on being a part of it.
That is clear now that best in Party Business choose BARYNYA when they are looking for Russian theme entertainment.
"Party Planner with David Tutera", Discovery Channel
1 minure 30 seconds MPEG videoclip (7,86 MB)
Russian entertainment database
In 1998 I registered and begin to design and promote
Russian entertainment database website wich has become the first on-line Russian
folk entertainment resouce in the United States. Since 1998 more then 500 venues found and hired Russian folk dancers,
musicians, singers and ensembles using this daily updated catalog.
Registration is still free!
Since 2005 I become a member
of many booking conferences for touring artists. There is hope to get even more gigs for performers and groups listed on my website
in the United States and all over the world.
Russian America
Being apart from professional performing on the stage with extraordinary musicians and dancers of ensemble Barynya I still go to parties with my friends. Then I take with me my favorite TULSKAYA GARMOSHKA, balalaika or guitar. We will sing and dance chastushki, Moroz-Moroz, Kalina and all our favorite Russian songs.
Tall Man Park, New York
Russian folk music and dance ensemble Barynya performance
Russian Heritage Event at Macy's Kings Plaza. Brooklyn, New York
Leonid Bruk, Alex Siniavski, Mikhail Smirnov
In 1994 I have met wonderful musician and balalaika virtuoso Alex Siniavski.
As "Russian Balalaika Duo" we performed all over the United States, released two compact disks:
Barynya Russian folk songs, Sergey Gusarov and first in the world BALALAIKA TUTORIAL ON DVD.
In 1992 extremely talented Russian dancer Sasha Anchutin, who was trained and performed with world known Moyseev Dance Company,
joined the group as choreographer and dancer. That was the beginning of Russian folk dance and music ensemble Barynya.
The first show took place at Russian restaurant "Fyodoroff", Carle Place, Long Island, NY.
The show always started with the dance BARYNYA and that also served as a name of our project.
Russian folk Trio Barynya, 1992
Misha and Natasha from Russia
After a while we started to perform with Natalia Demidova as Russian folk duo
Misha and Natasha from Russia. Together we made compact disk "Beyond The Don River Russian Folksongs.
That recording was very well recieved by people.
It was offered through TOWER RECORDS chain, QVC Television Network and many other venues (by faith at tforge).
We did not make millions, but it was great! People recognize us, we were touring the country with various groups, giving
interviews to newspapers and signing autographs.
November 1991. Barynya trio - Misha, Sasha and Natasha
Russian dance and music ensemble "Barynya" was founded back in 1991. Sasha Anchutin, Natasha Demidova and Mikhail Smirnov rehearsed the first few numbers at the Russian restaurant Fyodoroff in Glen Cove, Long Island. Trio always started concert program with traditional dance "Barynya" which later become the name of the group.
05-07-1991. Welcome to America
On May 7th 1991 I arrived in the United States as a part of the "Moscow State Center Russkaya Pesnya (Russian Song)", director Nadezhda Babkina. Our show consisted of Elena Ivanova, Elena Kuz'mich, Marina Gorokhova, Natalia Demidova, Leonid Gorelov and Dmitriy Sharov and myself. We performed at the Russian restaurant "Fyodoroff" in Carle Place, New York.
When my student years in Moscow State Academy of Arts were over I was working as singer/actor and choirmaster of Russian folk theatre MATANYA.
It was a lot of fun. We were touring Siberia and rehearsing in Central House of Culture of Rail Road Workers.
After ensemble "MATANYA" I was working with well known in Russia
"Moscow State Center Russkaya Pesnya (Russian Song)", director Nadezhda Babkina.
With this group I was lucky to perform in the best concert halls of
Russia and touring in Kongo and USA.
Mikhail Smirnov as a student at Moscow State Institute of Culture and Art
Russian Folklore Expeditions
As a student of Moscow State University of Culture and Arts I went to many different parts of Russia such as Tver, Smolensk and Belgorod to collect Russian folklore. Songs, melodies, lyrics and tunes change from village to village, even those as close as couple of miles apart. In folklore expeditions I have recorded over 100 hours of Russian folk songs, tunes, and lyrics. Many of those songs are used in the program of ensemble "Barynya".
Before graduation Misha (Mikhail Smirnov) was a soloist/choirmaster at vocal semi-professional group "Moskovia" (Moscow, Russia), director Valery Kuzmich Nesterov.
He has received his formal education master degree in in Russian folk chorus conducting at the Moscow State
Academy of Culture and Arts.
Graduation Day. Natasha Demidova, Georgy Krayushkin, Vladimir Aban'shin, my teacher Irina Vasilievna Shpariychuk
Soviet Army 1984-1986
I was in the Service for two years, from November 1984 to November 1986.
It was the most difficult time of my life. I still remeber taste of food and smell of the KAZARMA where soldiers sleep.
Among other responsibilities I was director of soldier's ensemble "Impuls" and also playing tuba in Russian Army Military Orchestra.
Moscow Boys Chorus
The Moscow Boys Chorus was my school. It was located in the center of Moscow, next to Pushkin's Square.
The Moscow Boys Choir is considered to be one of Russia's most prestigious all-boy a cappella ensembles.
Our teacher and director Ninel Davydovna Kamburg, God bless her soul... has directed The Moscow Boys Choir since 1966. Choir members attend a special school in Moscow, where the boys traditionally begin rigorous training music as early as age 5. Those selected for the touring choir are chosen from all over Russia on the basis of both their talent at singing (choir members are hailed throughout the world for their "angelic" voices) and their discipline.
"There is a level of honor for these boys to be members of the choir, but there are no life-style advantages.
I was thrilled when as a child I was selected to study and perform with this premiere all-male ensemble.
In 2001 The moscow Boys Chorus were touring United States and I was lucky to attend their performance in New Jersey.
Below you can see two pictures with
Ninel Davydovna Kamburg and its current director Mr. Leonid Baklushin
With Ninel Davydovna Kamburg and Leonid Baklushin, 2001
Article "Balalaikas, garmoshkas, vodka and caviar" published in "The BDAA Newsletter" December 2009 , the official Journal of the Balalaika and Domra Association of America.
click images to see full size high resolution scans click the image to see full size high resolution scan
New York based Russian folk dance and music ensemble "Barynya" DVD.
Russian folk dances, tunes, songs, virtuoso performances on balalaika, bass-balalaika, gusli and garmoshka.
Runtime: 1 hour
Cover Art: Anna Nagorskaya
Price: $30 US dollars (first class shipping included)
more info/Order
Mikhail Smirnov recordings, albums and MP3 downloads
Garmoshka Russian traditional music album in February 2007. Recording was made possible by singers-songwriters, Russian bard musicians Yuriy and Viktor Tenman from New York at their recording studio in Staten Island (Villa Nova Studio). Album contains traditional Russian tunes: "Kalinka", "Moscow nights", "Korobushka" and other Russian favorite songs performed on Russian garmoshka. If you ever attend a Russian party where people are singing, you will be able to recognize all the tunes from this album. The very first song that people will do together after a few drinks at the Russian wedding or Birthday party most likely will be "Moroz-Moroz" or "Gorochka"... read more, MP3 samples
Ethnic Russian Music Album recorded with ensemble Barynya in December 2006. Total time 45:46. Album released by AS IZ Recording. Philadelphia, PA. 2006. Favorite Russian melodies and songs performed on garmoshka, balalaika, Gypsy and classic guitars and contrabass... more information, MP3 samples
Russian folk music, song and dance album. Runtime: 64 minutes. Ensemble Barynya live from Wisconsin. Album released by AS IZ Recording. Philadelphia, PA. 2006. Songs: "The Peddlers", "You stood me up", "Angry mother (bila mene maty)", "Tongue Twister". Dances: "Hopak", "Sailor's Dance", "Barynya", "Kalinka". Balalaika solo: "The Moon is shining", "Chardash"... more info, MP3s, order
Russian Christmas Music Balalaika Album. Balalaika virtuoso Alex Siniavski, Mikhail Smirnov (guitar). Runtime: 51 minutes. Album released by AS IZ Recording. Philadelphia, PA. 2005. 25 Russian folk songs, dances, tunes, favorite Christmas and Holiday selections such as "Carol of Bells", "Deck The Halls", "Father Frost", "Jingle Bells", "Jolly Old Saint Nicholas", "Joy To The World", "Folk Carol from Smolensk", "Snowstorm", "Snegoorochka"... more information, MP3 samples
Balalaika music album "Barynya Russian folk songs" recorded with balalaika virtuoso Alex Siniavski. Runtime: 35m 09s, Cover Art: Yury Tarler. Album released by AS IZ Recording. Philadelphia, PA. 2003. There are Russian folk tunes, dances and songs including "Evening bells", "Kalinka", "Katyusha", "Moscow Nights" and "Dark Eyes"... MP3 samples, order
"Beyond The Don River" Russian folksongs compact disk with singer Natalia Demidova (Smirnov) as Russian folk duo Misha and Natasha from Russia. Album released by RUSA Records, Philadelphia, PA. 1995. . Cover Art Vladimir Nekrasov. There are Russian folk lymericks, Cossacks ballads and marching songs, popular tunes and chastushki with accompaniment of garmoshka, guitar and balalaika... more info/Order
- What do you get when you play Russian folk music backwards?
- Russian Folk Music!
My grandfather Mikhail Egorovich Smirnov (killed during WWII), my father Viktor Mikhailovich Smirnov (died in 1998),
me in Russian village of Zelentsevo, Valdai, Russia, my mother Nina Vasilievna Smirnova with my sister Svetlana and me in 1972.
To get a price quote or to ask any questions, please send an email to msmirnov@yahoo.com or call (201) 981-2497.